MGBBTOOSE Orientation for Success in Higher Education Assignment Tasks

Published: 03 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Education
University Canterbury Christ Church University Module Title MGBBTOOSE Orientation for Success in Higher Education

Assignment Overview

The assignment will require students to reflect on their learning from the module to explain the importance  of a reflective approach to learning and the value of formative feedback to inform and improve summative  assessed work.  It will enable them to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the cultural and behavioural  expectations of studying for a degree in Business and Tourism Management, and the importance of peer to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience. Through exploring their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats more comprehensively this  assignment will help students make a better career decision in the future. 

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your  achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

  • LO1. Understand the importance of a reflective approach to learning within the Business and Tourism  Management discipline.
  • LO2. Demonstrate the ability to use feedback and feed-forward as an integral element to inform and  improve future formative and summative assessed work.
  • LO3. Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree  in Business and Tourism Management.
  • LO4. Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance the learning  experience.

Assignment Task and Requirements

A) Reflection On learning

  • An explanation of what is meant by reflective learning and its importance for learners in Higher  Education/Business and Tourism Management Degree
  • Description of a reflective model (Kolb/Gibbs) 
  • Definitions of formative and summative works with citations. Demonstrate how a reflective  approach to your formative and summative evaluated work in Module-1 might enable you to  feedforward and improve your work in Module-2 and the upcoming modules. 
  • Rounding up of your Reflection On learning by briefly restating your main points, in addition to  your final thought or reflection on the significance of the topic. 

B) Reflection on the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

  •  A reflection that demonstrates your understanding of the cultural and behavioural expectations  of studying for a degree in Business and Tourism Management from the current module. 
  • An explanation of how will you implement these cultural and behavioural expectations in your  future studies and work/career?
  • Provide a realistic timeframe and dates for the implementation of what you have learned about  cultural and behavioural expectations. What resources and/or support would you need to  implement what you have learned in future, both personally and professionally?

C) Reflection on the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning  experience.

  • A reflection on what peer-to-peer support and team working mean and why it is important for  students in higher education. You can draw example from the previous module to demonstrate  your understanding of the concepts. 
  • An explanation of how will you implement peer-to-peer support and team working these in your  future studies and work/career?
  • What resources and/or support do you need to implement what you have learned about peer-to peer support and team working? Provide a realistic timeframe and dates for the implementation  of what you have learned about peer-to-peer support and team working?


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