MBB7011M Business Consultancy Project (Component 2) Reflective Portfolio Assignment Brief

Published: 17 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business
University York ST Johan University Module Title MBB7011M Business Consultancy Project

Assignment Description

For this assessment, you will develop an e-Portfolio that will help you to reflect on your Professional Experience (Placement or EA) and to record the activities you were engaged in during this time. 

Learning to reflect is an important skill to develop as it will enable you to make the most of your experience and help to develop your self-awareness. Giving serious thought to the activities you were engaged in will allow you to consider which aspects of your Professional Experience interested you, what motivated you and where your strengths and weaknesses lie.   

Refection is a very personal activity and different people will have preference in hour they choose to reflect. Effective reflection can also be done by talking with others. This can include conversations with your work colleagues, classmates, friends, and tutors.   

Completing Reflective Logs

  • You should aim to write a reflective log after any significant conversations, projects, activities or appraisals. They don’t have to be very long submissions but producing them on a regular basis, while the activity or conversation is fresh will help you better reflect on the situation.  
  • You must have 12 reflective logs.

It is important that the content is underpinned with the inclusion of relevant academic theory, concepts, and models where appropriate, as well as contemporary industrial insights. These should be accurately cited and referenced according to York St John Harvard Referencing throughout. 

Learning Outcomes

7.1 Demonstrate in-depth, specialist knowledge and mastery of techniques relevant to the study of opportunities and challenges of business and management

7.2 Demonstrate an advanced and critical understanding of concepts, information and techniques informed by knowledge at the forefront of the study of contemporary business issues within the context of society

7.3 Demonstrate a systematic, integrated and critically aware understanding of business management, leadership, and team working

7.4 Critically reflect and evaluate management, leadership and team working skills and take a proactive, independent and self-reflective role in working and developing professional relationships with others

7.5 Formulate a critical awareness of current issues in business management informed by contemporary research and practice

7.6 Demonstrate a deep knowledge and critical understanding of organisations, context and response to changes in the global business environment

7.7 Extrapolate information critically and creatively utilising appropriate decision making techniques in order to extract meaning and understanding, solve problems, and identify and evaluate options in a world of uncertainty and imperfect information

7.8 Design, conduct, analyse and disseminate an extended independent piece of research or business related project from inception to completion.

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