MBB7011M Business Consultancy Project Assessment Guideline | York ST Johan University

Published: 17 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business
University York ST Johan University Module Title MBB7011M Business Consultancy Project

About This Brief 

This module is an essential and distinguishing part of your Professional Experience. As future industry workers or business owners, it is crucial that you engage in an environment where you can empirically apply theoretical knowledge. Understanding the significance of relationship building and industry connectedness will be crucial for your future careers. 

Professional Experience will provide opportunities for you to demonstrate your planning, research and time management skills and develop appropriate key skills needed for effective participation in a professional setting, including personal organisation, communication, and target setting. This module provides opportunities for you to reflect on the theoretical knowledge and understanding and apply it in practice.   

This document details the assessment guideline/advice for all three assessments of MBB7011M.

Assessment 1. Report—6,000 words (+-10%) (50%)

-> Front cover (This is on Moodle)
-> An executive summary

  •  It is a summary of your report containing what you have identified, discovered, researched, evaluated and concluded from your reflective report. It is used to help the reader quickly ascertain the reports’ purpose. This will be done when you have finished your report.

(You MUST use a reflective model in this report like Gibb’s, Kolb’s, ERA Cycle, Rolfe’s/Driscoll etc)

-> Introduction Statement 

a. Introduce the subject of your report and overview of your experience. 

-> What did you did for your professional experience? 
a. Did you do a placement or EA? 
b. Give information about your employer or information about your EA idea (pathway). 

-> What was your reaction, thinking and feelings of your placement or EA? 
a. What was good and bad about your placement or EA? 
b. How did you feel about your placement or EA? 

-> Evaluate your Experience 
a. What sense can you make of your experience on placement or EA? 
b. Did this experience impact you in a positive way or negative way? 

-> Applications of your Experience 
a. How will you implement and apply what you learned or experienced? 
b. What would you have done differently during your placement or EA? 

  • Conclusion Statement 
  • Reference
  • Annexures (SWOT analysis of yourself / Personal Development Plan)

Assessment 2. Reflective Portfolio (30%) (using Pebble Pad)

Your e-Portfolio (reflective logs) will help you to reflect on your Professional Experience (Placement or EA) and to record the activities you were engaged in during this time. Learning to reflect is an important skill to develop as it will enable you to make the most of your experience and help to develop your self-awareness. Giving serious thought to the activities you were engaged in will allow you to consider which aspects of your Professional Experience interested you, what motivated you and where your strengths and weaknesses lie.  
Refection is a very personal activity, and different people will have preference in hour they choose to reflect. Effective reflection can also be done by talking with others. This can include conversations with your work colleagues, classmates, friends and tutors.  

  • Completing Reflective Logs 
  •  You should aim to write a reflective log after any significant conversations, projects, activities or appraisals or learning experiences. They don’t have to be very long submissions but producing them on a regular basis, while the activity or conversation is fresh will help you better reflect on the situation.  
  • You must have 12 reflective logs.
  •  There is no word count limit for reflective logs however advise is to keep each log between 300 to 500 words  
  •  Each log should have:
    -> An appropriate title
    -> A reflective model
    ->  A separate reference list

Assessment 3. Stand Up Poster Presentation (20%)

 Delivering a poster presentation over your experience and sharing your reflections on your learnings and accomplishments is a good way for you to further understand your experience.  

  1. This will be live poster presentation. You will also submit the poster on Moodle like your other two assessments.

You will be required to deliver a 10-minute presentation (followed by 5 minute Q&A session) covering the following:  
What did you do for your professional experience.  Give some context to this. 

2. State 3 key areas of learning, that you will use to further develop yourself or apply to your future career.  

3. Share how you will implement what you have learned from your professional experience to influence your career goals and aspirations?  

Questions to consider when reflecting on your Professional Experience

  • What skills did you use during your professional experience?  
  • What skills did you learn during your professional experience?  
  • What did you learn some of your strengths are?  
  •  What areas did you learn you need to further develop?  
  • How did Covid-19 affect your professional experience?  
  • How did you enjoy or deal with remote working?  
  •  How did you have to change or update your CV for your placement search?  
  • Did you have to adjust your personal branding looking for a placement or participating in EA?  
  • How self-aware were you before your professional experience compared to after?  
  •  Did you have to use an elevator pitch for EA or for your placement? How did you develop this?  
  • How did you use social media or how did it affect you during EA or your placement? (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TicTok etc.   
  • Did you like the way your manager managed you? Why or why not?  
  •  What did you learn from the office environment? What did this tell you about yourself?  
  •  What did you learn about your placement search? What recourses or job boards did you use?  
  •  How did you prepare for your interviews? Did this help?  
  •  What could you have done better for your interview or placement search?  
  •   What did you think the placement would be like before you started? Were you right?  
  •  Did you have any worries or concerns before you started EA or your placement? What were they? Why do you think they were concerns for you?  
  • After this experience, would you further pursue this role or industry? Why or why not? 
  • Did you like working for a small/large company? Why or why not? 
  •   What would you have done differently during your placement? 
  • Did you feel prepared for your placement? why or why not? 
  • How will you continue to develop after your placement or EA?  
  • Did you learn what your strengths are? How will you apply them moving forward?  
  •  what areas do you need to further develop? How will you do this?  
  • Do you like working in a large/small company? why or why not?  
  • Did you like working with your colleague? why and how will this affect your future jobs?  
  •  Did you like the way you were managed? Why or why not?  
  • What did you learn from your placement appraisal?  
  •  What did you learn from your placement search process and how will you apply this to your future job search?  
  •  What did you learn from your interview preparation and process? How will you apply this to your future interviews?  
  • What kind of work environment did you enjoy? How will you use this information?  
  •  What did you learn about your EA business idea? How has it changed?  
  •   How do you need to further develop to become a successful entrepreneur?  
  • Will you pursue further degree programmes or training?  
  • Will you apply for other opportunities in this field?  
  •  Will you continue in your current role?  
  • Will you be launching your own company? What are the steps you will take?  
  • Will you further pursue a career related to your professional experience? Why or why not?  
  •  How will you now prepare for interviews?  
  •  How will you maintain your CV and Cover Letter moving forward?  
  •  How will you continue to develop and maintain your professional branding?  

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