MBA7068 Academic Skills and Professional Practice, Assignment 1, UK

Published: 24 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Business
University Regent College London Module Title MBA7068 Academic Skills and Professional Practice
Assessment Number Assignment 1
Assessment Type (and weighting) 2,500-word portfolio (100%)

Assessment Tasks:

This assessment requires you to create a portfolio. The portfolio should address the following:

TASK 1.  [1,500 words]: 

Explore global business trends that have emerged in recent years and are impacting organizations worldwide. 

Develop a research topic that investigates the implications of these trends. Formulate research aim, question(s), and objectives to shed light on the consequences of these trends. Provide research background/introduction and research rationale. Critically analyse relevant literature, theories, or business models associated with the global business landscape. Identify and justify which data sources to use (e.g. primary and secondary) to address your research problem/question(s).

TASK 2:  [1,000 words]

You are required to identify an area of graduate employment that you would consider when you leave University.  This could be EITHER a profession (for example Marketing/Finance/Accounting/HR) OR an industry you are interested in (for example Retail, Sports & Leisure, Public Sector, Not for Profit, Travel and Tourism.) Your research should be either in an area you aspire to work within or maybe an area that you want to understand more about. 

You need to provide a reflective audit of your own current knowledge, skills, experience and identify 5 skills that you want to improve. The 5 skills could be a mix of your personal and professional goals.

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1:  Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of university learning and teaching strategies and practices and their roles in the broader academic and professional MBA context

LO2:  Interpret academic assessments, identifying knowledge forms, cognitive abilities, practical and personal skills, and communication styles needed to successfully meet the demands of these

LO3: Critically evaluate and synthesise information, data, concepts, and theory from a range of sources and use these to inform analysis, critique, and reflection

LO4: Identify and critically reflect on personal and professional goals and devise strategies for their attainment

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