MBA7061 Strategy Presentation and Viva Voce Assignment 2 | RCL

Published: 17 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business Management
University Regent College London Module Title MBA7061 Strategy

Assignment Task 

This assignment involves preparing a presentation and viva voce on disruptive innovation.

Learning Outcomes Assessed

This assignment has been prepared to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcome: 

LO1   Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of traditional and contemporary approaches to strategy, strategic planning, and implementation, the importance of competitive advantage, and the strategic role of disruptive innovation.


Throughout the module, we will be examining a variety of strategy issues using a variety of research materials. Strategy in the context of the contemporary business world will be explored, which includes an examination of global economic systems, instability, circular economy, new business practices, disruption, and business model innovation. Traditional and contemporary approaches to strategy, strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement will be touched upon. Corporate, business, functional, and network strategies will also be considered.
This assignment will encourage the students to apply the learning from the module to a topic and will be submitted in the form of a presentation and viva voce.

Description of the assessment

Select ONE “disruptive innovation” example discussed in the class (or from your own independent research) and present a strategic analysis of the chosen disruptive innovation.
In this presentation, you are required to

  1. Introduce and demonstrate critical understanding of “disruptive innovation” concept and relate it to our chosen example.
  2. How can a business maintain its competitive advantage while scaling? Is there a risk of diluting the brand?
  3. How do you ensure that your workforce evolves with the company as it grows? What are the key strategies for managing talent and skills gaps? 

The presentation must:

  • Use Microsoft PowerPoint or other suitable presentation software. 
  • A Viva Voce-based investigation will accompany the presentation (Q&A session after the presentation).
  • Maximum 20 minutes. ( including Q&A)
  • Provide the full Harvard reference within the reference page for each item used and the correct Harvard ‘shortened’ reference within the presentation.
  • Include both direct and indirect citations from a wide variety of sources. Include between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM, the reference list should include four refereed academic journals and five academic books.
  • Make use of relevant core texts and research items from within the module. 
  • Your cover page would be the first page of your presentation. Include student ID number, module name, tutor name, and academic year/cohort/group. 

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