Category | Assignment | Subject | Management |
University | Regent College London | Module Title | MBA7061 Strategy |
Assessment Types |
Portfolio (3000 Words) |
Assessment Title (weighting): |
Assessment 1 – Strategic Planning - Portfolio – 70% (Group and Individual) |
Word Count |
3000 Words |
Learning Outcomes: |
2,3,4 |
LO2 Critically examine the complex challenges faced in the development, implementation and evaluation of strategic choices
LO3 Critically evaluate and synthesise information and data from appropriate sources and use these to make informed judgments in relation to strategic options within contemporary global commercial and non-commercial contexts.
LO4 Formulate and justify innovative, evidenced-based strategic proposals and solutions.
Throughout the module we will be examining a variety of strategy issues using a variety of research materials. Strategy in the context of contemporary business world will be explored, which includes an examination of global economic systems, instability, circular economy, new business practices, disruption, and business model innovation. Traditional and contemporary approaches to strategy, strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement will be touched upon. Corporate, business, functional and network strategies will also be considered.
This assignment will allow the students to apply the learning from the module to a topic and will be submitted in the form of a portfolio with both group and individual components.
Task: Students are required to form a group of maximum four members to undertake this assignment. The group is expected to execute a strategy analysis for a self-selected organization from any IT/Tech/Online industry. This then leads to developing a strategic plan, with justification and evidence-based strategic recommendation for organization improvements.
Group Area -
Individual Area –
Choose one of the three main theoretical schools of strategic management—Business School, Positioning School or Resource-Based View (RBV)—to focus on throughout this assessment. In this section, address the following:
Based on your analysis of current industry trends, evaluate the strategic options/choices potentially available for your organisation, providing theoretical support to frame your discussion propose a 3-year strategic plan that will help the company achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Address the following:
Using the strategic management theory you selected in Section A, critically evaluate the current strategic position of your chosen organisation from Section B. Assess the complex challenges faced in the development, implementation and evaluation. Applying your theoretical knowledge to assess the strategic options available to the company. (600 words)
Reflect on your understanding of the theory and consider the limitations of your chosen approach. Additionally, evaluate how governance, ethics, and corporate social responsibility are impacted by your strategic recommendations. (500 words and 200 for conclusion)
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