MB923 – Managerial Accounting Individual Assignment Brief 2025

Published: 17 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Accounting
University ____ Module Title MB923 – Managerial Accounting

Individual Assignment Brief

For this assignment you are required to select ONE UK listed company and no two or more students should use the same company. 

You should post your chosen company along with your full name to the forum titled ‘Assignment Company Choice’ in the ‘Assignment’ section of the Myplace page. 

First post secures a company and you must all choose a different company so please ensure you review the existing posts to make sure your choice has not been selected already.


1) For your chosen company analyse the profitability and liquidity of the company. You should make use of a number of means of analysis including ratios. You may also want to include relevant comparators - which can be obtained from databases. 

Please attach all your calculations in the appendix along with a weblink to the annual report used for your assignment.

2) Suggest improvements that your chosen company could make. 


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