Marketing and Consumer Behaviour for the Aviation Industry Assignment Task 1 Brief 2023-24

Published: 01 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University Module Title Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Assignment Task 1

Assignment Brief

you are required to produce a 1,500-word blog for an airline organisation you are ‘working for’. You may choose which airline you would like to represent. The blog will be presented in the form of an internal newsletter blog and it will be emailed to employees within the sales and marketing department of your airline organisation. 

You will take on the role of a marketing analyst in the sales and marketing department. Part of this job involves collecting and analysing information about your current and potential new consumers to help your organisation make better business decisions related to increasing the volume of airline passengers (i.e.: your consumers) and increasing revenue. 

Organisations create newsletter blogs for different purposes, including announcing new product launches and services, promoting new product offers, and highlighting consumer news and stories. The purpose of the internal newsletter blog is to provide an informative account of your current and potential new consumers for employees within your department. Your airline is about to embark on a new integrated marketing campaign aimed at increasing its consumer numbers. Therefore, this blog will provide useful insights about your new and existing consumers and help to inform and develop the new integrated marketing campaign.

You must use a range of industry and academic sources to support the key points you present in your blog. For instance, Mintel reports, airline industry news websites, IATA webinars and presentations, industry reports, chapters in academic textbooks, and journal articles.

Learning outcomes

This first assessment task addresses two of the module’s learning outcomes:

  • LO2: Explain theories, principles and practices related to consumer behaviour in the international aviation industry.

  • LO3: Analyse the contemporary factors that influence consumer decision-making and behaviour in the international aviation industry.


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