MARK7018 Sustainable Global Marketing Strategy Coursework 2 International Marketing Plan Overall Structure

Published: 30 Jan, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Marketing
University Oxford Brookes University Module Title MARK7018 Sustainable Global Marketing Strategy

Stage 1: The decision on whether to internationalise 

• Justify on preparedness of the chosen brand AND industry globalism • One paragraph for firm’s preparedness + one paragraph for industry globalism

• Firm’s Preparedness 

o international/global presence (if any) 

o current operation/performance 

o firm size and resources (financial, human resources etc.) 

o any USP (e.g. COE) etc. 

Industry Globalism 

o global market size 

o market growth 

o big players 

o intensity of global competition etc. 

✓ Focus on the ‘nine strategic windows’ by Solberg (1997) as cited by Hollensen  (2020) 

✓ For this IMP, the decision needs to be to ‘internationalise’ – chose from the  reduced five options (see seminar 3) 

✓ Signpost to the framework 

Stage 2: Deciding which market to enter 

• Use the funnel approach 

• The entire world does not need to be put into this ‘funnel’! 

• Identify an initial pool of countries (some could be ‘knocked out’) • This would depend on the current international operations of the chosen brand  • Justify the choice of this initial pool of countries 

• Conduct a critical evaluation of this pool of countries and make adjustment  considering any other factors 

• Identify the most attractive country market 

• Use suitable and objective criteria  

• Conduct a focused STEEPLE on the chosen country market  

o 5 most relevant including the ENVIRONMENTAL (sustainability  issues) one 

• Be mindful of the word limit

• Remember that some elements may have been used within the criteria when  evaluating the country pool 

• Identify the key opportunities and threats (may include a SWOT table) • Set some (2-4) SMART objectives  

Stage 3: Market entry strategy 

• Several factors influence this decision  

• The initial decision needs to be justified by applying relevant factors • Apply the most/more pertinent factors  

• Consider the current operations of the chosen brand  

• This will help determine some of the more pertinent factors 

• Choose the most suitable entry mode with justification on pertinent the factors  

Stage 4: Designing the global marketing programme 

• Involves marketing mix (4 Ps) decisions 

• Address and integrate relevant sustainability issues 

• Conducting a focused STP would help but be mindful of the word limit • Arguments surrounding standardisation versus adaptation need to be considered for all 4 Ps 

• Consider ethical and socially responsible marketing issues 

• The design should focus on the first 12 months 

• Detailed budgeting is not needed but the brand’s capabilities need to be  considered 

Stage 5: Implementing and coordinating the global marketing programme 

• Detailed discussion of the implementation of the marketing programme • A Gantt Chart would help depict this stage 

• The focus should be on the first 12 months 


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