MARK7002 Customer Insight and Engagement Module Handbook | OBU

Published: 11 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Marketing
University Oxford Brookes University Module Title MARK7002 Customer Insight and Engagement

Module Aim

This module prepares students to develop, implement and critique programmes for the acquisition, retention and growth of customers' trust and loyalty. It takes a customer-centric approach and acknowledges the hyper-connected environment in which organisations operate today.

The module, therefore, reviews technologies and methodological approaches to obtain customer insight and to build detailed customer profiles. Moreover, the module considers how to engage with customers in ways that add value to both parties. The module uses real case studies, as well as the students’ own experiences as customers to critically evaluate different approaches to customer intelligence and relationship management.

Module Learning Outcomes

  1. Critically discuss the role of intelligence and relationship management on improving organisations’ performance.
  2.  Build an effective and efficient Customer intelligence and relationship management strategy.
  3. Critically evaluate selected tools and techniques, and their role, in building and operating an intelligence and relationship management programme.
  4. Evaluate the ethical issues arising in the implementation and management of customer intelligence and relationship management initiatives.
  5. Undertake critical enquiry and independent research into the dynamics and operational practices of customer intelligence and relationship management.

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