MAN4036 Management Interview and Analysis - Insights into Management Assignment, UK

Published: 14 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Management
University Birmingham city University Module Title Insights into Management

Assessment Task (with genre/type) 

For this assignment, you will undertake research to evaluate the role and skills of managers in managing individual behaviour, employee interactions, and the principles and practices that support organizational success. You will also demonstrate how management theories apply to real-world scenarios. You need to:

Prepare a set of questions in advance to guide the interview. Identify a manager at any level (strategic, functional, or operational) in an organization of your choice. Conduct an interview with this manager to understand his/her role, the skills they utilize, and his/her approach to managing individual behaviour and employee interactions. 

Based on the interview and additional research, create one of the following:

Option 1: 2000-word Report
Option 2: 10-minute Recorded Presentation

Completion of this assessment will address the following learning outcomes: 

1)     Understand the role of managers in managing individual behaviour in the workplace.
2)     Explain employee interactions in the work environment.
3)     Understand management principles and practices that support organisational success.
4)     Communicate effectively utilising an appropriate range of media across a variety of contexts.

Are you looking for Assignment help UK online? Our expert writers are here to assist you with your MAN4036 Insights into Management assignment. In this task, you'll explore the role of managers in handling individual behaviour and employee interactions, while linking management theories to real-life situations. If you're unsure where to start my assignment , we can guide you through conducting interviews with managers at any organizational level, helping you understand their approach to management. We have years of experience providing help with management assignments, ensuring all our work is 100% plagiarism-free and tailored to meet the latest academic standards. You can also access assignment examples to help guide your research and writing process.
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