M23369 Theoretical and practical perspectives Assignment 2 Template for - the Personal Leadership Portfolio

Published: 28 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Management
University Module Title M23369 Theoretical and practical perspectives

Section 1: Assessment of MY personal leader/leadership skills

1.1.  Introduction to leader/leadership assessment: theory and practice
Provide a paragraph or two that demonstrates your understanding of how leaders and leadership is assessed in general.  Compare theory with practice using organisational examples and include some critique. 

1.2.  Table of tools used to assess my leader abilities and potential 
List the sources of feedback used to assess your leader(ship) abilities and potential, for example: inventories and questionnaires suggested in the module handbook; the practical leadership sessions you participated in during the taught sessions; work-based evidence such as appraisal; 360 degree feedback instruments and other leadership experiences. Identify what these tools assess referring to relevant theory as appropriate and whether they are self-assessment or based on 3rd party feedback. You may wish to comment on any limitations associated with each tool you use (with possibly a reference).

 THREE examples should be included as appendices, but your table should contain more. Indicate which tools you have included as appendices.  
Illustrative table:

Indicate which 3 tools are included at the appendix

Tools used

(examples listed below)


Leadership styles Questionnaire (Northouse, 2021)

Self-completion and completed by 3 direct reports e.g. Appendix 1

Assesses leadership styles as seen by self and others (Lewin, Lippitt & White, 1939; McGregor, 1960)

MLQ questionnaire (Bass & Avolio, 1992).

Completed by my project team

Four Is of transformational leadership (Bass 1985).

Leadership Skills questionnaire

Northouse (2021)

Assessment centre feedback

Feedback form 3 trained assessors

One section of competencies focused on emergent leadership potential

Verbal comments from my football team: I am team captain and asked for feedback

Behaviours in a practical setting




1.3. Summary of current strengths and development needs
Integrate the findings from the different sources in 1.2 and summarise the common themes and differences, identifying your personal strengths and development needs, referring to relevant theory as appropriate.

Section 2: Personal leader/leadership development Plan 

2.1. Introduction to leader and leadership development techniques: theory and practice
Provide a paragraph that demonstrates your understanding of how leaders are developed in general.  Compare theory and practice of techniques and methods used for leader development that includes organisational examples. 

2.2. Summary of plans to meet my identified development needs 
Based on the summary of development points from section 1.3, a plan of action should be included:

Identified development need.

What do you need to learn?

Planned development activity or method.

How do you intend to learn?

Intended measurement.

How will you know learning has taken place?


When will you do this?

2.3.   Rationale for choice of development methods/techniques
Provide a justification for the METHODS you have chosen to develop your leader ability/potential as listed in 2.2.linked to appropriate theory. This is justification of your methods, not of the topics you have chosen to develop.
3.    References 

3 Appendices – as evidence from Table 1.2 

e.g Leadership styles Questionnaire (Northouse, 2021)

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