Leveraging Data Science For Business Growth: Formative Assessment

Published: 22 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business
University Module Title Leveraging Data Science For Business Growth

Summative Submission

  1. Building on the Formative Assessment submit, and incorporating the feedback received, develop a report for your workplace of no more than 2000 words (and specifically for your line manager) highlighting the key opportunities which you feel there are for the application of a data science solution (highlighting the type or data you would require, the tools at your disposal, and whether your solution complies with internal data security and privacy policies); you must relate your solution to key themes learnt in this module. 
  2. The solution should be relevant to your environment and ideally provide you with an opportunity to progress with as a project should your business wish to. This report will leverage sound academic (secondary) research as a basis and develop a reasoned argument in support of your chosen solution. 

The format of the report should include:

  • Executive Summary: Providing an overview of the proposed project as a whole 

  • Research: An analysis of research around your defined (data-driven) opportunity and potential solutions to this.  Consider what a potential deployment in your work environment might entail. This section will be supported by external references that are both academic and domain specific.   

  • Approach: Describe the approach which you would take and identify the solution which you propose. Provide an argument of why this would be valuable to your organisation considering the research you have undertaken. This solution must make use of concepts covered in the module – making specific reference to the data collection process, the preferred software tools, as well as your choice of analytical model.  

  • Risks and ethical considerations: Make sure to highlight any risks and ethical issues you see arising and comment on the potential regulatory concerns you have of using certain types of data, as well as key privacy and data security concerns in future. 

  • Recommendations: this should show the proposed route forward and may include a plan. 

  • Appendices: These do not count to your word count but may support your report


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