Category | Coursework | Subject | Management |
University | BPP University School of Business and Technology | Module Title | Leading through Digital Disruption |
This module is assessed through one graded element. You must achieve at least 50% to pass this module.
By completing this assessment, you will the following learning outcomes (LOs):
• LO1: Critically reflect on key opportunities and challenges leaders face in leading complex organisations through digital disruption.
• LO2: Understand how to sense changes, make informed decisions and adjust quickly in highly disruptive times.
• LO3: Critically evaluate the significance of human factors and technologies to lead transformation and create a digital-ready and innovative culture.
• LO4: Critically reflect on the mechanisms required to build teams and influence networks in complex and interconnected digital organisations.
Critically review key opportunities and challenges your chosen M&E organisation is facing in the current complex digital disruption environment.
Your analysis for Task 1 should be critical - you can include some digital transformation objectives that can support key departments such as operation, ICT, and marketing to achieve a Pass grade. Students are encouraged to use examples to reinforce your arguments for Merit. For Distinction and High Distinctions, students should evidence the use of extensive personal research which has been thoroughly critically evaluated.
Evaluate and propose two (2) disruptive technologies and techniques that can be adopted by your chosen organisation by means to sense changes, make informed decisions, and adjust quickly in the highly disruptive market.
To support your argument, please use the Digital Business Agility Model (i.e., hyperawareness, make informed decisions and execute fast) as a blueprint – see the diagram below. Some key emerging technologies to consider are Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, 5G Connectivity, IoT, Extended Reality etc.
Source: Digital Business Model by the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation, 2018
When implemented purposefully, digital culture can drive sustainable action and create value for all stakeholders. Subsequently, Task 3 requires you to analyse and conceptualise a strong digital culture approach that your organisation can adopt by using digital tools and data-powered insights. This should help with driving decisions and customer-centricity while innovating and collaborating across the organisation.
Please support your argument with academic literatures and real case example. You can use the 4 Pillars of Digital Culture or other relevant models as a guide to drive your analyses and recommendations.
Analyse and propose two (2) appropriate digital leadership styles that your organisation could develop further by means to support digital transformation and increase team collaboration throughout the organisation.
you have been introduced to concepts such us hyperaware agile leaders, ethical-tech leaders, people-oriented leadership, agile leadership, or the 6 Goleman leadership styles. Therefore, this can be a potential reply. However, any other relevant response is still valid.
Structure and References
• Structure is in line with the given instructions.
• Report must be written in 3rd person.
• Give a professional appearance with consistent formatting.
• Spelling and grammar are correct.
• Each page has page number in the Footer.
• Any tables or figures are correctly labelled.
• Tables and figures do not cross boundaries, unless necessary.
• Properly cite your sources in the text and in the list of references.
• Use Harvard style for referencing and in text citations (see referencing guides and
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