Leadership and Change Management Summative Assessment 3, University of Roheampton

Published: 17 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University of Roheampton Module Title Leadership and Change Management

Assignment Brief 

Summative assessment: components overview and structure

Task 1: Randomized online MCQ test 

  • You can take the test (only once) at any time during the allowed period; please check Moodle to know the exact time of the MCQ.
  • You will have 60 minutes to answer 50 multiple-choice questions. 
  • Once you start the test, it cannot be paused, meaning you must complete it in one go.
  • Students can skip questions; in the end, they can verify all their answers before submitting. 
  • Every question must be answered. No answer is considered a wrong answer. 
  • Your test will be submitted automatically if you do not submit it within 60 minutes. 
  • Release of the mark will be subject to the exam board. 
  • Questions can cover anything from the taught coursework. 

Task 2 Group presentation:  Live, in-person evaluation. 

Assessment requirements 

  1. Groups will be formed by the module convenorship team and communicated to students in due course. The number of students in a  group must be at least 5, a maximum of 10 with a median of 8. 
  2. Present your work as a group in person. Deadline for slide submission will be communicated via Moodle as they are subject to  changes. Only submitted slides can be presented. 
  3. One of the group members will upload PPT slides to Moodle Turnitin. The student ID number of each active contributor to the group presentation should be indicated on the first slide. 
  4. Each group will present in front of one to two assessors. Students from other groups will be kept from the room.
  5. Length of presentation: 10 minutes maximum. After 10 minutes, the presentation will be stopped. 
  6. After the presentation, a session of questions and answers for 2 to 5 minutes will follow. The answers given by the students will form part of their presentation mark. 
  7. All relevant citations and references should be given in the slides. References list in Harvard format should be added at the end of the presentation.

Notes :   

  • All students are expected to participate in the group presentation and preparation as part of their summative assessment.
  • Students who do not contribute may be attributed marks accordingly or receive a zero for this summative submission. The slide set to be submitted will have a front sheet with the student ID number of each active individual contributor, contain section  headings, clearly show what topics are covered, and indicate the contribution of each group member as an appendix slide.
  • If a student does not present for whatever reason, the markers will ask the group if this student is considered an active contributor.  If the group confirms, the student will receive the mark the group gets. If not, the student will receive a mark of “0” in the group  presentation component. 
  • If you believe in your capacity and role as a group member and that your group does not incorporate your contributions and include  you in good faith or a fair manner, you would need to discuss your concern with them before you could approach the seminar tutor.
  • Suppose a group feels that a particular group member does not object to contributing to the group presentation. In that case, the issue must be raised with the seminar tutor at least two weeks before the group summative presentation deadlines. We can only  exclude a group member from the group and ask for an individual presentation by that group member in well-documented  circumstances and evidence provided of the non-contribution claims made. Hence, you should make brief minutes and email them  after each group meeting from the very beginning of the project. After claims have been made, notes conducted retrospectively will  be acknowledged with a different credibility. 
  • Note that groups have been allocated and cannot be changed. 

Task 3: Individual reflective account 

Based on your group presentation and preparation experience, 

  • You must write an individual reflective report of a maximum of 1000 words. It should reflect your personal experience working  in a group. You may choose to focus your reflections on how you worked as part of a team or as part of the group for the assessment,  any problems encountered, your role and impact, the type of leadership required to make things happen, and how you coped with  any forms of change in the group work. 
  • You could also include how yourlearning will influence your work in the future and how it may inform your leadership type. Please indicate what you will do to fill any learning gaps. 
  • An evidence-based reflective framework, such as Gibb’s reflection model, should be identified and used:  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320342913_Learning_through_reflection
  • You could also indicate which leadership, change theories and practices influenced you in developing your group assignment or your overall learning. Please use Harvard referencing in your text references and your bibliography.

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