LAW1041C Criminal Law Companies and Organisations Summative Assessment Individual Research Project

Published: 17 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Law
University University of Exeter (UOE) Module Title LAW1041C Criminal Law: Companies and Organisations
Project Title Corporate Criminal Liability for [chosen offence] Word Limit 2000 Words

About This Brief:

Project Title: ‘Corporate Criminal Liability for [chosen offence*]: To what extent does the current  law in England and Wales allow for the effective prosecution and conviction of companies and  organisations?’  

Choose from Theft, Fraud, Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide, Bribery, Money  Laundering, Insider Trading, Market Manipulation.  

The word limit(2000) is a STRICT UPPER LIMIT and you will be penalised for exceeding it as follows:  

• Up to and including 5% beyond the word limit, one mark on the categorical scale will be  deducted (i.e. 68 becomes 65; 52 becomes 48 etc)  

• Over 5% beyond the word limit, ten marks will be deducted (i.e. 62 becomes 52).  

The word limit DOES NOT INCLUDE the title/research question or citation information in  footnotes or bibliographies. Where footnotes contain additional arguments or material which  is not for the purpose of referencing, these may be counted as forming part of the word count.  You must use the headings set out below for the different sections of the Research Project.  These headings ARE INCLUDED in the word count. The number of words used must be stated  on the front of your Research Project. Inaccuracy in stating the number of words used, if more  than trivial, may be considered as intentionally misleading and result in disciplinary  proceedings. Further guidance is given below on the allocation of the word count to each part  of the Research Project.  

Format: Any reasonable font may be used but please use font size 12 PAGE LAYOUT: A4 page size,  portrait orientation, 2.54cm margins on all four sides, include page numbers.  

Referencing: OSCOLA referencing should be used throughout.  

Bibliography: Please include a bibliography.  

The Research Project:

This assessment is an opportunity for you to practice active learning,  develop an understanding and appreciation for how legal knowledge and analysis evolves and produce  an original contribution to that body of knowledge. In successfully completing this Research Project  you will: 

• develop specialist knowledge in the development and application of an area of corporate  criminal liability  

• build a foundation of legal research skills and methods.

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If you wish to see the solution of this brief, than click on link - LAW1041C Criminal Law

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