LAW1023C Legal Foundations 1 Assessment Brief | University of Exeter

Published: 15 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Law
University University of Exeter (UOE) Module Title LAW1023C Legal Foundations 1


100% of your final module mark for LAW1023C Legal Foundations comprises of a mark for a portfolio of work in accordance with intended  learning outcomes 1 to 7 for Legal Foundations. 

You are required to: 

Task 1

Write a letter of advice to your client in the autumn term Employment Tribunal case in which the material facts are summarised, the  relevant law is explained and applied to the facts, advice is given on prospects of success, the value of the claim and the likely legal costs.

Marking criteria for task 1: The relevant criteria from the Exeter Law School Cornwall assessment criteria are: 

• Analysis 

• Knowledge/understanding 

• Presentation 

Task 2

Write an essay critically examining the place of Employment Tribunals in the English Legal System comparing their characteristics to  the civil court system. Additionally, you should evaluate the effectiveness of Employment Tribunals in providing access to justice in  employment-related disputes. To support your arguments, you MUST draw upon appropriate secondary sources AND your own preparation for  and participation in the mock employment tribunal conducted during the autumn term. (800 words) 

Marking criteria for task 2: All relevant criteria from the Exeter Law School Cornwall assessment criteria as follows: 

• Analysis/Argument 

• Knowledge/understanding 

• Use of materials/research 

• Presentation

Task 3

Write a reflective account of two of the following core legal skills you have developed during the autumn term in preparation for the  mock employment tribunal and attach your completed Teamwork Action Plan as an appendix. You can choose 2 from the following skills: legal  research, client interviewing, and advocacy. Reflect on your experiences, growth, and challenges in developing these skills throughout the  term.

Marking criteria for task 3: The relevant criteria from the Exeter Law School Cornwall assessment criteria are: 

• Analysis 

• Knowledge/understanding 

• Use of materials/research 

• Presentation 

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