61815 Level 7 International Business in the Digital Economy Assessment Brief 2024-25 |University of Salford

Published: 08 Mar, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business
University University Salford Manchester Module Title 61815 International Business in the Digital Economy
Assessment title: Assessment 1: 2 Microsoft Learn Certificates
Level: 7 / 2024-25

Assessment task details and instructions

This module focuses on the development of digital technologies and their impact on the structure and operations of international businesses. Complete the Microsoft Learn courses that you are directed to on the module Blackboard site. Complete the courses to earn the Microsoft Learn badges (at least 2). Each trophy earned is worth 15% of the overall marks.

You are required to earn at least two Trophies. There is only a Pass and Fail grade for this assessment. You can complete more courses and earn more Trophies, but you will not get more than 30% of the overall marks. Further details of the key concepts will be discussed during the module.

Assessment Citeria

You are required to complete Microsoft Learn courses and earn at least Two Trophies. Each earned Trophy is worth 15% of the overall marks.

Once completed the required courses, you will achieve certificates. Attainment of Microsoft Learn certificates (at least 2): 30% marks. There is only a Pass and Fail grade for this assessment. For achieving the certificates, you will be graded a full 30% (even if you earn more than one certificate). Failing to achieve the certificate, you will be graded 0%. 

Further information and support will be provided to you via Blackboard and at specific times in the lectures, seminars, and assessment support sessions. Please also contact your tutors for additional support.

Assessed intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate critical awareness of the impact of digitisation on globalisation and the growth of international digital business. 
  2.  Critically appraise the potential implications of Industry 4.0 technologies for international business.
  3. Critically evaluate the role of digital technologies and platforms for business model innovation in international business.
  4. Critically evaluate the opportunities and challenges of risk mitigation and sustainability in the Global Digital Economy and strategic responses to these.
  5. Synthesise and critically review key trends and developments in a current field of research.
  6. Effectively use digital and/or non-digital means to present ideas, analyse problems and develop and communicate clear and concise insights, conclusions and recommendations.
  7. Develop and propose solutions to challenges arising from the digital environment of international business

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