L7 Business Project Assessment Brief The University of Law

Published: 29 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Business
University The University of Law Module Title L7 Business Project

Key Details and Requirements 

  1. Critically review literature to establish extant positions to frame and guide  business research.  
  2. Critically assess a range of quantitative and qualitative research designs used  in business and management research.  
  3. Choose the appropriate methods to collect, collate and analyse data that is  relevant to the business project 
  4. Evaluate the validity and reliability of research instruments 
  5. Produce a proposal demonstrating an understanding of the implications of  learning outcomes 1-3 in a business research project and produce a written  research-based report that culminates in conclusions and recommendations  that adequately address a research problem or show how a market opportunity  will be explored. 


For the main summative assignment, students may draw on the formative  submissions and select one of the following: Consulting project report, Business  research white paper and Business plan as their project outcomes.  

Each outcome option is elaborated.  

Consulting Project Report 

The task is to conduct a study on an identified problem/issue in a specific  organisation or industry/sector and proffer solutions through the study findings.  The problem/issue to be considered in this variant may cut across industry  dynamics (in the case of a sector) and function (in the case of an organisation). 

The Consulting Project Report should comprise the following: 

  • Abstract 
  • Introduction 
  • Literature Review 
  • Research Methodology 
  • Analysis & Findings 
  • Conclusions & Recommendations 
  • References  
  • Appendices 

Business Research White Paper 

The task is to research and write up a self-selected topic where they will explore  and address a contemporary issue(s) in-depth and propose recommendations for  stakeholders (particularly highlighting implications for policy and practice). Albeit  the research subject will be self-selected, the selection is expected to be across  only business-related subjects. 

The Business Research White Paper should comprise the following: 

  • Abstract 
  • Introduction 
  • Literature Review 
  • Research Methodology 
  • Analysis & Findings 
  • Conclusions & Recommendations 
  • References  
  • Appendices 

Business Plan 

The task is to create a business plan for a new business as a solution to an  identified market gap/ business opportunity. It will entail presenting the overall  business context and developing a business plan guided by the findings from a thorough analysis of carefully searched and collected data on the chosen  industry/sector’s environment. 

The Business Plan should comprise the following: 

Executive summary 
o Background information 
o Relevant literature review  
Business strategy analysis 
o Company overview  
o Capability analysis 
o Industry/sector analysis 
o Macro environment analysis 
Marketing and Operation strategy 
o Marketing Plan 
o Operations model 
o Organisational structure 
Financial plan 
o Revenue model 
o Financial highlights (5 years) 
o Funding strategy 

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