Category |
Assignment |
Subject |
Management |
University |
Leeds Beckett University |
Module Title |
Managing Organisations and People |
Assignment Brief
Module Aims
- To evaluate the effectiveness of various people management and leadership models within organisations relating to individual-level and group/team-level theory and concepts.
- To identify the application of the range of management and leadership models in today’s business world, including the ability to research contemporary management and leadership issues
- To reflect individual team working and/or team management capabilities and areas for development.
- To demonstrate the ability to work productively in a team, analyse and present complex information from research you have conducted together.
Module Learning Outcomes
- Outline the breadth of elements involved in understanding how people work, are motivated, managed and led within international/global organisations
- Describe the key business and theoretical issues, relating to and influencing, individual and team behaviour in the international workplace
- Utilise current business scenario knowledge, from guided Research activities and case studies, to develop applied understanding of people management
- Evaluate through personal reflection, personal skill development in the areas of motivation, management, leadership, and teams, in order to improve employability and be able to articulate some of these skills.
Module Learning Activities
- The module will be delivered by the module leader and a team of lecturers (module tutors) from the Leeds Business School (LBS). Each week you will attend a lecture and a seminar. Your module leader will introduce himself in the first lecture and your module tutors will introduce themselves in the first seminar. You will be provided with contact details for your tutors during the first seminar and these details will also be provided on the VLE site for the module.
- Each of the four main module themes is separated into two main topic areas. The topic area introduced in the lecture will be covered in the seminar the following week. Therefore, you will have at least a week in which to read up on and prepare for the next seminar. A new topic will be introduced in the lecture each week. Consequently, if you miss a class then you must ensure that you catch up on any work missed because every session is important in a different way. Materials will normally be available on VLE for you to download prior to the lecture or seminar.
- There is substantial evidence to indicate a strong correlation between attendance and achievement, so whilst we cannot and would not want to compel you to attend lectures and seminars, by attending as much as possible you will be helping to ensure your success at the assessments for the module and thus ensuring that your fees are not wasted. In fact, students who fail to attend seminars on this module will fail part of the assessment as one of the assessment components takes place in seminar time.
Assessment Summary
In order to pass this module, you must achieve a minimum mark of 40% over the two assessment components detailed below. If you do not achieve this mark, then you will be required to retake the component(s) for which you have not attained the minimum mark during the Semester 1 reassessment period. Both assessment components are heavily based on the materials and issues covered in lectures and seminars. Reassessment marks are capped at 40%. Students submitting work for reassessment will be required to act on the feedback provided by their tutors and ‘make good’ their original submission.
Assessment 1:
An Informed Discussion on Work Motivation
- Outline the breadth of elements involved in understanding how people work, are managed, and led within international/global organisations.
- Describe the key business and theoretical issues, relating to and influencing, individual and team behaviour in the international workplace.
- Utilise current business scenario knowledge, from guided Research activities and case studies, to develop applied understanding of people management.
- Evaluate through personal reflection, personal skill development in the areas of motivation, management, leadership, and teams, in order to improve employability and be able to articulate some of these skills.
Assessment 2: Essay (2500 +/- 10% words exc refs and declaration)
What are the different approaches to the study of Leadership, Management and Teamwork and how are they relevant to today’s workplace? Choose at least two different theories for each topic and discuss how they are relevant to current organisational practice. You are required to write an essay to answer the above question. The assignment will comprise three topics of management, leadership, and teams. The topics are equally important. The assignment will be marked holistically but it is designed to test your knowledge of theories, application of knowledge through case studies and your own research of certain topics.
There will be the opportunity to practice during independent study and in the weekly seminar sessions, in order that you can be adequately prepared for the assessment.
The criteria on which you are assessed for the essay are as follows:
- Knowledge & Understanding of the topics and academic theories 30%
- Consideration of academic literature and theoretical concepts 30%
- Analysis of the application of the theories into practice 30%
- Academic skills and competencies