Individual Implementation Plans and Supporting Rationale Assessment Brief

Published: 05 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Education
University ------- Module Title Individual Implementation Plans Assessment

About this Unit 

  • Problem definition summary - a statement of the changes that will result from your interventions and any problems or areas of resistance you might expect to encounter - thus, what you are bringing forward from your problem definition report and aiming to achieve through your implementation.     
  • An overview of the approach you are recommending.  
  • How you would organize and manage the implementation including the phases and /or groupings of activities/the process, the role of those who will need to be involved, their responsibilities, and the sort of knowledge, skills or experience required. The detail of the plan/process definition should include activities, responsibilities for activities, estimated timescales and review points.
  • You should justify your approach and implementation plan or project process definition with reference to your understanding of the situation and evaluation of relevant theory, including the consideration of alternative approaches. For example, you can discuss the extent to which a planned programmatic or processual approach is suitable, why you have included particular activities, have allocated particular responsibilities, think particular activities should take a certain amount of time or why you think reviews should be held at a certain time and what alternative outcomes of reviews might be.    
  • The plan/process definition should be presented to a standard that you could present to your clients, the writing and grammar should be clear and correct, the report should be well-structured, based on the framework above and clearly laid out with a contents list and front page
  •  Sources should be cited and referenced using the HBS guide to Harvard referencing. Sources include academic journal articles and textbooks and any case material on which you draw.  

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