772008 International Business in Practice, Assignment, UK

Published: 10 Dec, 2024
Category Assignment Subject Business
University University Of Hull Module Title 772008 International Business in Practice


Imagine yourself in the role of a professional working for an organisation that is contemplating expanding its operations into a foreign country. The top management team must decide on a potential international destination. Your task is to evaluate the benefits and challenges of entering a specific foreign market. Recommend the best host market and justify your choice. Additionally, propose the most suitable entry method for the expansion.

  • Note: Select a single target country for international expansion, focusing on the most suitable option based on your analysis. If the organisation has already established operations or businesses in that market through its subsidiaries, consider either selecting a different country or diversifying within the existing market by offering new or unrelated businesses.

Assessment Criteria and Programme Competence (PC):

PC6. Demonstrate global-mindedness and intercultural sensitivity, and show a heightened critical appreciation of diversity and inclusivity in business decision-making in cross-cultural settings.

PC7. Locate, embrace and leverage digital mediums, technologies, tools and platforms to deliver and evaluate business value, and technological and organisational implications.

PC9. Design and develop advanced specialist business projects, activities and plans, mirroring or based on real-world management practice.

PC12. Demonstrate integrated and synthesised understanding of the global dimensions of the business environment and intercultural mix in a local and international context.


If you're working on your International Business in Practice (772008) assignment or dissertation , we can help. Imagine you're a professional advising a company on expanding into a new country. You need to evaluate the benefits and challenges of entering a foreign market and recommend the best destination. Our expert writers have years of experience in this field and can assist you with all parts of your project. We provide plagiarism-free content, assignment samples, and Assignment help Support on any subject. UK students can trust us for quality help with their coursework, ensuring they get the best results.

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