HST1032M Representing the Past Assessment Brief | University of Lincoln

Published: 25 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Education
University University of Lincoln Module Title HST1032M Representing the Past Assessment
Assessment title and format: A poster presented as a single slide or page using Powerpoint or Word, with bibliographic notes on a second page. Between 300 and 800 words.
Assessment No
Academic Year 2024-2025

Description of assessment task

In this assessment we want you to take a single museum display or group of displays, film, video game or television programme, which uses or represents the past. We want you to look at how the past is critically represented in that work and analyse or evaluate it.

Your work should be presented as a poster which should be assembled using Powerpoint or Word. It should use no more than 800 words and needs to both describe briefly the work and show a critical evaluation of the way the past is used – you are encouraged to use images and other design elements to communicate your analysis effectively with minimal words. Make just one slide/page for the poster. The bibliography should be given on a second page.

Module learning outcomes

Learning Outcomes Assessed:
Through this assessment, you should show that you can:

  • identify the forms of analysis and inquiry appropriate for the investigation of representations of the past.
  • gather material independently.

Knowledge & Skills Assessed:

  • Application of critical ability to assess representations.
  • Ability to use graphical images and written text together.
  • Presentation/communication skills

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