HSC7003 Equality and Diversity for Human Services Coursework Brief

Published: 26 Feb, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Education
University University of Bolton Module Title HSC7003 Equality and Diversity for Human Services Coursework

Module Description 

The purpose of this module is to critically appraise issues around social justice, equality and inequality in society with a focus on your specific disciplinary areas (Early Years, Health and Social Care, Youth and Community Studies). Areas of difference such as gender, disability, race, class and identity will be explored – these come together to present an exploration of the diverse needs and experiences of individuals you will work within your different professional areas. The module will also examine policies and strategies that are proposed and adopted to handle issues of difference in community, care and educational settings.

Learning Outcomes

LO1:  Critically analyse the impact of difference on identity
LO2:  Synthesise key issues relating to relevant areas of difference
LO3:  Critically analyse issues around justice, equality and inequality in society
LO4: Critically evaluate the impact of national/international policies and strategies with regard to difference and social justice, and consider relevant recommendations


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If you want to see the solution to this Assignment then Click here: HSC7003 Equality and Diversity for Human Services Portfolio Example

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