HRM2018 Describe a Work Experience You Have or Had in the Past, Including Your Role and Tasks

Published: 24 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University Northern Illinois University Module Title HRM2018 Summative Assessment


Describe a work experience you have or had in the past, including your role and tasks. Answer the following questions:

  • What skills, knowledge or capacities do you need to conduct your tasks? 

  • Describe the main difficulties you face in getting tasks done. 

  • How do you overcome the difficulties? 

  • What are the causes of the difficulties? 

  • If you were a management consultant, what changes would you implement to overcome the difficulties in your work tasks? 

In your answer, refer to at least ONE from box A and TWO from box B below


  •  Scientific management
  • Bureaucracy

  • Post-Fordism or Neo-Fordism

  • Human relations management

  • High-performance teams

  • Organizational culture

  • The iron cage of rationality 

  • Red tape

  • Bureaucratic personality

  • Blau’s notion of bending the rules of bureaucracy

  • Marx’s notion of alienation

  • Emotional labour

  • Braverman’s deskilling thesis

  • Organizational Panopticons

  • Precarious work

  • Bell’s critique of the human relations approach

  • Barker’s notion of control through team-work

  • Willmott’s notion of control through culture

  • Theories of empowerment

  • Mary Parker Follett and workplace democracy


Guideline structure of Essay 

It is recommended that you structure your essay in the following way.


The introduction should include the following:

  • State your work role and the type of organization

  • Provide a brief but clear outline of the essay (what you will write about in the essay and the theories and concepts you will draw on)

  • Around 250 words 

Tasks and skills, knowledge and capacities required

  • In this part of the essay, you should define your role, what type of organization you work for, describe your tasks and the skills, knowledge or capacities you need to carry out your tasks.

Difficulties of the task and how I overcome them

  • Here you focus on the difficulties you face in carrying out your work. You should discuss the strategies (formal or informal) you use to overcome the difficulties. 

The above two sections should be around 800 words in total 

Theories and concepts: Causes of the difficulties

  • You should answer the following question by referring to theories and concepts covered in the module (one from box A and two from box B above): 
  • What are the causes of the difficulties?

Theories and concepts: Recommendations for change 

  • You should answer the following question by referring to theories and concepts covered in the module (one from box A and two from box B above):
  • If you were a management consultant, what changes would you implement to overcome the difficulties in your work tasks?

The above two sections should be around 1200 words combined. When writing the two ‘theories and concepts’ sections, you need to define key terms and show that you have understood theories and concepts. As stated in the ‘theory’ section in the marking criteria above, you need to be able to 

  • Compare and contrast various schools of thought that explain behaviour in organizations (such as ‘managerialism’ and ‘critical’ perspectives)

  • Evaluate the interrelationship between individuals, groups and managers in organizations

  • Assess the key internal variables impacting upon organizations’ work (e.g. culture) and the outcomes associated with the management of people and organizations

  • Relevantly apply theories and concepts to your work role and work difficulties 


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