HMNS20345 Managing Health and Social Care Assignment, Nottingham Trent University

Published: 13 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Nursing
University Nottingham Trent University Module Title HMNS20345 Managing Health and Social Care

Summative assessment 1: Pecha Kucha Presentation

You will be asked to create a short presentation which analyses one aspect of effective management in health and social care. 

The first stage is to decide which aspect of management you would like to investigate for your assessment. The aspects to choose from are:

  • Supervision 
  • Reporting poor practice
  • Stress & burnout
  • Motivation

Your presentation must be:

  • Approximately 3 minutes in length
  • 6 PowerPoint slides (plus an additional slide for references)
  • Presented to a small group of your fellow students (in your usual seminar session)
  • Accompanied by notes which give an overview of the contents of your presentation
  • Supported by a wide range of references

Learning outcomes covered by this assessment

Learning outcomes describe what you should know and be able to do by the end of the module
Knowledge and understanding. After studying this module you should be able to:

  • Analyse ‘good practice’ in the management of people, resources and information. Skills, qualities and attributes. After studying this module you should be able to:
  • Present a coherent and analytical argument both orally and in writing.
  • Display effective interpersonal and communication skills. 

Recommended Reading

Field, R., Brown, K., Gray, I., 2017. Effective leadership, management and supervision in
health and social care 2nd edition. London: Learning Matters.

Flynn, N., 2017. Public sector management 7th ed. Sage.
Gopee, N., Galloway, J., 2017. Leadership and management in healthcare Third edition. Los
Angeles: SAGE.

MacKian, S., Simons, J.eds., 2013. Leading, managing, caring: understanding leadership
and management in health and social care. London: Routledge.

Walshe, K., Smith, J., 2016. Healthcare management 3rd edition. Maidenhead: Open
University Press.

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