HESC6005 A Collaborative Practice Portfolio Brief

Published: 26 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University University of Cumbria Module Title HESC6005 A Collaborative Practice Portfolio

Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of current definitions of collaborative working in health and social care settings
2. Critically discuss how teams form and function and identify some of the barriers to effective collaborative working
3.  Reflect upon your interpersonal skills when working collaboratively as an effective member of a team
4. Critically analyse how learning from this module has transformed your understanding of your practice.

Task Outline

The portfolio is in 3 sections

Section 1: 

Formative assessment. This assessment is due by week 4 of teaching. The due date is 23rd  October 2024. This is the detailed team contract that you have developed in your team. The contract will be emailed to the tutor You may select or decide who in your team will e-mail the team contract.

Section: 2

Write a critical reflection of your performance and your team's performance on the role-play exercise. It is beneficial to use a reflective model

Section 3:

Assignment question: Critically analyse the benefits and challenges of collaboration in health and social care practice.

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