Global Food and Drink Assignment Brief | Bournemouth University

Published: 11 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Science
University Bournemouth University Module Title Global Food and Drink Assignment

Learning Outcomes

For the assignment as individual students you are expected to; be
1. Take into account political/economic, environmental, social, technological (PEST) and gastronomic factors, by looking at a specific commodity of a country with which you are familiar

2. Write up the research findings in report format, with title page (to include word count), Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Introduction, main body of research findings (based upon PEST and Gastronomic considerations), Conclusion, Reference List, Appendices. The 3,000 words only include the introduction, main body of research findings and conclusions. It does not include material in tables or figures. 

A critical analysis of commodities in a country examining political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and gastronomic factors. 

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