Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle Portfolio Assessment University of the West of England

Published: 05 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Science
University University of the West of England Module Title Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle Portfolio

Module learning outcomes assessed by this task

MO1 Contextualise the purpose and process of Management in contemporary contexts.
MO2 Have a thorough understanding of contemporary business and organisations, and an overview of the main disciplines and functions of business.
MO3 Be able to describe and understand the nature of contemporary organisations and business activities, i.e. their management structures and challenges; and the changing environment in which these organisations operate.
MO4 Develop an awareness of what it means to be a management professional and start to build their professional identity through the use of reflection and planning.


The first is a self-reflection on an example of decision making from your life, and critically analyse it to identify how you can further develop it in the future.
This should be 1000 words.

What am I required to do on this assessment?

Drawing on academic literature on decision making and reflection you need to engage in self-reflection on an example from your life and identify how your skills it could be improved.

You must use a model of self-reflection in this piece, we will advise you two in the lectures and workshops, Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle and Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle. SELECT ONE and use this to structure your work.

Similarly, ensure you focus on just one single event not a general instance. The most common problems students face engaging well with reflection is focusing on a broad example rather than a singular event.



This should be approximately 200 words and should clearly indicate your reflective model and provide an overview of your conclusions. Tell the reader what you are including and clearly set the scene for what will follow.

Main Body

This will be three to four paragraphs, totalling approximately 700 words. Throughout this you should complete your self-reflection on a single example in full.

This should include providing an overview of your example, briefly, and engaging in analysis using academic literature.

Your analysis should identify positives and negatives of your current approach and use this to identify a way to improve.


To finish off your paper briefly provide a summary of your key theoretical point in approximately 100 words and highlight any overall issues you found with the reflective approach you used – and if you would maintain the approach in the future. You are expected to use between five and ten academic sources.

Where should I start?

  • Pick an example of decision making in your life.
  • This should be a single event where you have an understanding and an opinion of the outcome and why it happened.
  • Identify a theory through the slides for lecture three and reading list to identify a theoretical approach to understanding your example. 

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