ENG7153 Vehicle Control Systems, Coursework Assignment Brief | BCU

Published: 05 Mar, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Programming
University BIRMINGHAM CITY UNIVERSITY Module Title ENG7153 Vehicle Control Systems
Assessment Title: Modelling and simulation of vehicle subsystems
Assessment Type: Coursework

Assessment Information

This assessment consists of two deliverables, where students are expected to develop the relevant skills required in the automotive industry by using the MATLAB/Simulink modelling environment to:

  • Part1 (worth 30%): Develop and simulate a vehicle model of vehicle with internal and external parameter variations.
  • Part2 (worth 70%): Create an ABS model for a chosen vehicle and investigate the effect of the ABS on braking performance.

The two parts address the module learning outcomes, thus, enabling students to gain proficiencies in conducting:

  • Numerical modelling of complex vehicle systems
  • Applying control algorithms to specific vehicle systems
  • Understand and evaluate limitations of numerical modelling techniques

Assessment Title

Modelling and simulation of vehicle subsystems

Things to include:

Students are required to submit:

  • Individual Reports (for each part), that act as stand- alone document.
  • Details of the expected structure of the report are shown in the “Submission Details” section.

Completion of this assessment will address the following learning outcomes:

1    Design robust optimum controllers for the purposes of ABS and traction control.
2    Synthesis alternative vehicle models for motion and stability control.
3    Apply a variety of techniques for the control of ¼ and ½ car models.
4    Critically analyse and evaluate alternative (hybrid-electric) vehicle architectures.

Task: Modelling and simulation of vehicle subsystems

Style:  Two individual reports.

Please refer to details in the Descriptions and Submission Details Sections.

Part 1: 30% of the Module Mark

Title: Vehicle cruise control modelling and investigation of vehicle performance

The main aim of this coursework is to demonstrate the ability to model and simulate an Electric Vehicles experiencing internal and external parameter variations. Students are to create a vehicle model of an electric vehicle of their choice using the MATLAB/Simulink modelling environment.

Students are expected to:

D1.1 System Dynamics: Clearly describe the developed models and equations (motor, vehicle and Loads).

D1.2  Trip Profile: Clearly state a trip profile and Input parameters for the chosen Electric vehicle system. Depending on your student number, assume the following maximum Vehicle speeds:

  • Last student digit 0, 1, 2 ,3    – cruise speed 40mph
  • Last student digit 4, 5, 6  – cruise speed 50mph
  • Last student digit 7, 8, 9  – cruise speed 55mph

D1.3 Motor Selection: Identify electric motors that approximately match the given multiple vehicle engine performance maps (that are available on Moodle)
D1.4  Cruise Control: Implement ON/OFF and PID Cruise Control Actions; and run simulation tests to:
D1.4a  Assess the vehicle system (without disturbances) response over the defined trip profile in D1.2.
D1.4b Assess the vehicle system response over the defined trip profile in D1.2, under the influence of the external disturbances below.

These external disturbances are due to the road, wind speed and other external load profiles that are available on Moodle as:

  • road_elevation_profile.m,
  • wind_speed_profile.m, and
  • auxiliary_drive_load.m.

D1.5 Modelling, simulations tests, results and analysis: Throughout, you are expected to provide comprehensive discussion and analysis of all results, findings, their quality and reasonability.
D1.6  Report Compilation: You are expected to compile a report according to the format shown in the submission details.
For the:

  • Assessment criteria: Please see Marking Criteria Deliverable 1.
  • Style and format: Please refer to Submission Details sections.

Deliverable 2, 70% of the Module Mark: 

D2.1 ABS modelling and performance analysis.
Create an ABS model for your chosen vehicle and investigate the effect of the ABS on braking performance. For the model:

  • Clearly state the input parameters,
  •  Provide a description of the model and equations where necessary,
  •  State where and how control is implemented in the model,
  • State key performance parameters of the ABS and perform an investigation on the impact of the road condition on the brake performance,
  • Report the findings of the brake performance and evaluate the quality and reasonability of your results.
  • Depending on your student number, your vehicle speed for braking shall be: Last student digit 0, 1, 2 ,3 – cruise speed 50mph
  • Last student digit 4, 5, 6 – cruise speed 60mph Last student digit 7, 8, 9 – cruise speed 55mp
  •  If your student number ends with an odd number, use the front wheel, else use the rear. Clearly state in your report what wheel you model.

D2.2 Suspension modelling and performance analysis

Create a ¼ car active and passive suspension model (front or rear) for your chosen vehicle and investigate the effect of the dynamic vehicle performance. For the model:

  •  Clearly state the input parameters,
  • Provide a description of the model and equations where necessary,
  • State where and how control is implemented in the model,
  •  State key performance parameters of the suspension system and perform an investigation on the impact of the vehicle weight (empty vs. maximum weight). For your investigation use a road surface model, which can be found on Moodle names “road_surface_profile.m”.
  • The vehicle velocity shall be assumed constant at 20mph.
  •  Report the findings of the vehicle vertical dynamic behaviour and evaluate the quality and reasonability of your results.
  •  If your student number ends with an odd number, use the front vehicle suspension, else use the rear.

D2.3 Literature review of hybrid vehicle architecture

Considering the impact of the vehicle weight and dynamics. Vehicle electrification requires rapid advances in development of electric drives and alternative energy storage systems. The effects of these challenges add considerable difficulties in vehicle design and development.

Google scholar is a huge digital library and provides more than 3 million articles and research papers relevant to the topic. The literature review is not just a summary of everything you have read. It is a selection and analysis of existing research which is relevant to your topic, and usually is the first step in starting work on a new research topic. The review should be written and presented in a professional style. Your literature review should contain the impact of vehicle electrification on vehicle dynamics as well as vehicle weight.

D2.4 You are expected to compile a report according to the format shown in the submission details. For the:

  • Assessment criteria: Please see Error! Reference source not found.
  • Style and format: Please refer to Submission Details sections.

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