ENG7142 Research Methods Literature Review Coursework Assignment Brief| BCU

Published: 25 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Engineering
University Brimingham City University Module Title ENG7142 Research Methods Literature Review

Assessment Summary

Literature Review—2500 words 

The module aims to provide you with a foundation for academic research skills employed in all modules, but particularly the master’s dissertation. This will enhance your learning experience by providing a research output which is  both industrially relevant and contributes academic value to  the research base of your chosen field/industry. 

This assessment enables you to demonstrate effective delivery of your research findings in the form of a literature review.

Learning Outcomes to be Assessed: 

  1. Evaluate the conceptual nature of research philosophies & methods.  
  2.  Appraise existing literature to develop a literature review using appropriate research  methods & techniques.  
  3.  Make critical judgements on the applicability of appropriate professional skills and  research ethics, within a given research context.

Assessment Details: 

Title: Individual literature review 
Type: Coursework 
Style: Individual report


The delivery and assessment of this module will involve researching, presenting and writing  of a literature review, demonstrating critique, author analysis and evidence of academic  underpinning.  
You are to consider a topic within a subject area or choose from a suggested list, and  critically evaluate, applying appropriate research methods in the development of a literature  review and a supporting academic poster. 


You will need to present the development and findings of the literature review by means of  an academic poster presentation and then a report. 

A formative PowerPoint presentation (on topic & findings so far) would be given by you prior  to the poster presentation. Similar to the literature review report, the poster should be designed with intention of presenting to subject matter experts in the field, such as  conference proceedings.  

The final piece of work written as a literature review, must demonstrate an understanding of  research philosophies and methods used by the most important references detailing the  contributions of major authors, noting arguments and contestations. This should also be  written to the standard requirements of international journals appropriate to the chosen  research topic. 

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