Category | Assignment | Subject | Management |
University | Astone University | Module Title | EM4056 & EM4K56 Strategic Management and Finance |
This assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of key terms and concepts of strategic management and finance. It offers scope for students to express their own analysis, thoughts and understanding in a creative manner, while drawing on learnings during the module, demonstrating a mastery of the subject.
This coursework has two sections, based on two separate companies.
Both sections must be completed.
You are required to conduct a strategic management analysis of VOLKSWAGEN AG .
At a minimum your analysis should include the following:
You are a consultant who specialises in analysing and developing strategic directions plans for business. You have a strong commercial understanding of how to apply the concepts and principles underpinning strategic analysis, planning and management coupled with a well-developed understanding of financial appraisal/ capital budgeting of potential major projects and investments, analysis of cash inflows, outflows and capital costs.
You have been hired by 4FJ Pharmaceuticals to conduct a capital budgeting and strategic financial analysis report.
At a minimum your analysis should include:
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