ECNM023 PS1 Economic Analysis and Value Presentation

Published: 18 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Economics
University University of Northampton Module Title ECNM023 Economic Analysis and Value


You are required to prepare a 20-minute presentation for a group business pitch for investment.

You will have to utilise the skills and knowledge of the economics concepts covered throughout this module to prepare a business pitch. The business pitch should be based on:

  • Choosing a product or a service that you want to attract investment for
  • Outlining what is the product or the service, what is special about this product or service and who are your target customers
  • Discussing how you intend to attract these customers 
  • Preparing an economic analysis of revenues, costs, profits/losses
  •  Considering the economic environment, and in particular the competitive environment and market structure that this product or service belongs to.

Learning Outcomes aligned to this assessment:

On successful completion of this assessment, In relation to the specialised area of study, you will, with minimal / no guidance be able to:
Subject-Specific Knowledge, Understanding & Application

a)   Devise strategy by anticipating competitors’ actions. Employability & Changemaker Skills
b)   Make and justify informed decisions about complex situations.
c)   Devise and justify implementable and creative solutions, balancing conflicting stakeholder requirements.


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