Disease Prevention And Management Assignment

Published: 30 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Nursing
University .................. Module Title Disease Prevention And Management

Planning, implementation and evaluation of a non-communicable disease  prevention initiative 

This assignment uses a secondary school as a setting for prevention of NCDs  associated with overweight and obesity in adolescents. The task involves an extensive  whole of school initiative that targets all children in the school. Students will work as  Public Health Officers working on the planning, implementation and evaluation of this  intervention. Students will identify how this new initiative will be deployed, what  resources, support and incentives will be required and what concerns and/or barriers  the initiative may encounter. Students will also develop communication strategies and outline an evaluation strategy. Importantly, a direct link between the intervention  design and risk reduction in the children in the school must be demonstrated. 
Submissions will comprise the following (approximate distributions of word count): (NB  please note the new suggested word distribution) 

  • Demographic characteristics of the specific high school and surrounding community   
  • Etiology and epidemiology of overweight and obesity in the target group 
  • Description of the intervention 
  • Outline of the communication strategy  
  • Outline of the evaluation framework 


To apply knowledge of NCD etiology to develop a prevention plan targeting a  specific stakeholder group within a defined community setting. 

APA 7 reference and citations  


Submission demonstrates excellent level of understanding of the public  health issue and the potential outcomes of the proposed intervention- 10 points 


Submission demonstrates excellent understanding of the community  setting within which the intervention is to be applied-10 points 


Submission demonstrates excellent understanding of project evaluation  principles relevant to public health interventions-15 points 


Submission demonstrates excellent understanding of design principles for  effective NCD intervention- 10 points


Submission demonstrates excellent application of the principles of  presentation and communication of professional documentation- 5 points

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