Customer Experience Strategy Assessment CW Version 3 BPP Business School

Published: 25 Jan, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Management
University BPP Business School Module Title Customer Experience Strategy

Assessment Brief 

You are required to write a 2500-word report on the customer experience (CX) strategy of one (1) company product/service shown below. You should base your report on the analysis of their CX  strategy in one specific country in which they operate, which you must identify in the introduction to  your report. 

Choose one company (1) in the chart below: 





My Business 








Mercedes Benz 

Long Wheelbase E-Class 






Baked Beans 



Video Streaming 


Taj Hotels 




Mobile financial services 



Edible Oil 


14th Street Pizza 









You should write your report for the Board of Directors of the company you have chosen from the  list above. Within the business report, reference should be made to relevant CX concepts, literature  and application as appropriate. Only use tables to answer the requirements where it is suggested to  do so. 

You need to address the following tasks:  

1. The importance of customer experience: Define and explain the concept of  customer experience. Determine the importance of CX in the case of your chosen company’s  product/service. (Suggested word count: 300 words) 

2. Consumer persona creation: Define and explain what a consumer persona is and  describe its role in developing effective CX strategy. In application to the company  product/service identify a consumer persona of a millennial (aged 30-35) and provide the  following elements in a visual format (graphic or table): 

  1. Demographics and story of the millennial person 
  2. Profile of the millennial person 
  3. Motivations for using the product/service by the millennial person. 
  4. Goals for using the product/service by the millennial person. 
  5. Pain points the product/service solves for the millennial person. 

3. Mapping the customer journey: Define and explain what a customer journey is  and discuss its importance to CX strategy. Define and explain customer journey map, in  relation to your millennial consumer persona (age 30-35) identified in task 2, using infograph  or table, map their customer journey. This should be from the perspective of the millennial consumer persona and include the following: 

  1. Stages of journey 
  2. Activities 
  3. Feelings and needs. 
  4. Potential opportunities for improvement 

4. Omnichannel marketing: Define and explain what is meant by omnichannel  marketing and define and explain the role of customization in omnichannel marketing.  Identify for your chosen company product/service the different sales and marketing  channels used and analyse how effective your chosen company is in achieving a seamless  customer journey. (Suggested word count: 550 words) 

5. CX performance metrics: Define and explain the concept of performance  metrics. Explain and calculate the following performance metrics CES and CE. Provide a  justified recommendation of why or why not these performance metrics are important in  the case of your chosen company product/service. (Suggested word count: 500 words) 

6. CX processes in different industries: Define and explain the concept of CX Critical  Success Factors (CSFs). Describe the following CSFs- Structure, People, and Measurement, and the process to implement them in your chosen company. Then compare the  recommended CSFs in your chosen company and Facebook. (Suggested word count: 600  words) 

7. Introduction & Conclusion: At the beginning of your report name your company,  its product/service, country and a summary of the tasks. At the end of your report provide a  conclusion on how effective your chosen company product/service CX strategy is, using  evidence from the previous six tasks to support your reasoning. (Suggested word count:  Intro 30 words, conclusion 120 words – total 150 words between the two) 

8. Presentation: present your report in a structured and professional manner using  Harvard referencing guidelines.

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