Category | Coursework | Subject | Computer Science |
University | De Montfort University | Module Title | CSEC5003 Malware Analysis, Penetration Testing, and Incident Response |
Title of the Assessment: | Malware Investigation: Cohorts 1, 2 and 3 |
This coursework item is: | Summative |
In this coursework, you are expected to:
Analyse two PDF files and two specimens of malware and answer questions about the insights gained, detailing your approach with relevant evidence, e.g., screenshots, excerpts of logs, etc.
This is the first part of your graded coursework and is worth 42% of your total marks.
Scenario and goal
You have been provided with a set of unknown files found on a suspected infected machine on your organization’s network. The goal is to perform in-depth analysis of the files and document any observable characteristics and/or behaviours.
Answer all the questions below (in the analysis tasks section) backing your answers with appropriate proofs and detailed supporting documentation and evidence from analyses. Please provide your answers under each given question. Any references cited should be listed at the end of your report.
Environment and tools
Analyze the set of PDF files zipped within the “cw_pdf_files.7z” in a REMnux environment using appropriate tools. The password for unzipping is ‘infected’. Also, analyse the file “unknown.file” on a Windows XP virtual machine. The file should be extracted from “unknown.7z” with the archive password ‘infected’.
Please note that these are real malware. Which tools you use is entirely up to you. In malware analysis there is rarely one “right” path. Be creative and observant! However, I suggest you look at previous lab exercises and lectures slides, and pick whatever tools you deem appropriate. Provide documentary evidence to support your answers where appropriate, for example screenshots, excerpts from Logs, dumps and other analyses outputs.
This is the second part of your graded coursework and is worth 40% of your total marks
Scenario and goal
Your friend received an email with an attachment and proceeded to open the email. Without being careful, your friend opened the attachment and is now concerned that the system may be infected
Answer all the questions below (in the analysis tasks section) backing your answers with appropriate proofs and detailed supporting documentation and evidence from analyses.
Environment and tools
Analyse the file “malsample.dll” on a Windows XP virtual machine. Extract it from “malsample.7z” with the archive password ‘infected’. Which tools you use is entirely up to you. In malware analysis there is rarely one “right” path. Be creative and observant! However, I suggest you look at previous lab exercises and lecture slides, and pick whatever tools you deem appropriate. Provide documentary evidence to support your answers where appropriate, for example screenshots, excerpts from Logs, dumps and other analyses outputs. Please provide your answers under each given question. Any references cited should be listed at the end of your report.
1. Your friend receives the file (malsample.dll) in an email attachment on their windows XP machine and accidentally double clicks the file. Is their system infected? If yes why/how? If no, why not? Explain and support your answer with evidence from dynamic analysis.
2. Analyse the sample dynamically and monitor its activities on the system. Outline the steps taken to execute the sample for analysis. What changes do you observe on the host? For example, is anything dropped, executed or deleted? Any other changes to the host observed? (Hint: if you use Regshot in any phase of your analysis, be careful to set the right scan directory i.e. C:\). Support your claims with documentary evidence.
3. Under which process is the malicious DLL running? What is the process ID of this process? Document your approach and show how you obtained this information.
4. Describe how you would setup a network analysis environment. Does the malware exhibit any network-based behaviours? Analyse and document any observable network activity in an isolated environment. How does this malware behave networkwise?
5. Reverse engineer the sample with IDA/IDA pro. (a) How many functions are exported by the DLL? (b) What are the addresses of the functions that the DLL exports? (c) How many functions call the kernel32 API LoadLibrary? (d) How many times is the kernel32 API Sleep() called in the DLL? (support your answers with documentary evidence, e.g., screenshots).
6. Navigate to the ServiceMain function.
(a) Show the graph view of the function
(b) The main subroutine (of the ServiceMain function) jumps to a location where the code calls the kernel32 API Sleep() right after the JZ assembly instruction. What is the value of the parameter used by this Sleep() call?
This is the third part of your graded coursework and is worth 18% of your total marks.
1. This task is to search for two additional tools, distinct from those available in the virtual machines. One tool should be used for static analysis, while the other should be for dynamic analysis. Both tools should be compatible with either Win XP or Remnux. After installing the tools, practice static and dynamic analysis using malware samples of unknown.file and/or malsample.file. Lastly, explain how the results obtained from these additional tools complement the findings from Part 1 and Part 2 of your coursework.
2. Presentation: organization, readability, references, quality of figures, etc. [8 marks]
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