Category | Assignment | Subject | Management |
University | Teesside University | Module Title | CSE4073-N Re-imagining Sustainable Management in Global Markets Assignment |
This module aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of key literature, research and economic policy debates in the area of environmental sustainability and responsible business. equip the student with a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts, strategies and practices of sustainable business to Re-imaging responsible management in Global market.
The module will discuss some responsible business theories and an outline of the policy implications which will enable them to effectively manage organisations in a global context as well as proactively exploring new ways of thinking out of the box in terms of managing the ever-evolving global landscape.
On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:
• Critically analyse international organisational strategy and effective
• Critically evaluate organisational strategies for managing people in global organisations effectively and efficiently, and ethically in global context.
• Demonstrate ability to undertake research independently
• Demonstrate ability to engage in on-going discourse about contemporary business challenges
• Produce a professional strategy document taking into consideration the intended audience
• Develop the skills and qualities necessary for employment
In accordance with the University regulations, work will be assessed according to the student’s ability to:
In addition to the generic Level 7 University marking criteria and correct use of the required referencing format and style the specific criterion for the assessment is:
4,500-word report
• Ability to apply theory and analyse some real business-related issues in the environmental context.
• Ability to predict the likely outcome of decisions made by policy makers (business and government) and be able to determine the impact on parties involved.
• Ability to evaluate among different tools of measuring progress towards SDGS
• Students should be able to Identify, analyse and articulate key challenges associated with responsible management in global organisations
The assessment for this module is a 100% weighted ECA comprising a 4,500- word report, incorporate the following elements:
• You MUST Select Two of the Four core organisations highlighted within the module. These four organisations are listed below:
• Danone Nestlé
• Coca-Cola Unilever
• The way in which your report is structured is up to you. You may wish to answer the following questions as two separate discussions, focusing upon each organisation independently before the final conclusive element; you may alternatively wish to combine this discussion into a 4,000 word single essay. You may wish to completely separate section aligned to each element; or you may wish to blend these elements in natural prose.
• The final comparative conclusive component should be separate from theabove.
• The word counts listed below are guidelines only, and are not a rigid rule.
1. Identify, evaluate and analyse the specified organisation’s current sustainability activities - Roughly 750 words per organisation
This may include (but not exclusively): Reports of Positive Impact from Unbiased Sources; Allegations and evidence of Green/Blue Washing and other negative activity; Their Role Within Supply Chain Sustainability Practices; Identified Interventions of Improvement Following Previous Investigation; Application of UNSDG assessment tools - Avoid description!
2. Specify one of the six Abundant Earth Foundation (AEF) groupings: Critically assess the extent to which your identified organisation is contributing towards UNSDG targets from said Abundant Earth Foundation groupings; and propose strategies to improve upon areas of improved upon – Roughly 500 words per organisation
Use the same grouping for both organisation. Clearly state which grouping you are using. This may be grounded in case studies and the activities/recommendations of institutional guidance; but should specifically justify the appropriateness of a recommended strategy to their specific chosen organisation. This may include (but not exclusively): Recommendations of Talent Recruitment/Development; Improvements to Supply Chain; Creating Marketing Exposure of Authentic UNSDG engagement; Explaining how they could emulate activity from other case study examples covered in lectures.
3. Critically evaluate how global forces and actors may be influencing your chosen organisation’s ability to meet your identified Sustainability Activities; and make recommendations on how any external threats or opportunities may be mitigated or capitalised upon – Roughly 750 words per organisation
This may include (but not exclusively): Changes to Global Institutions (UN/WHO/IMF/EU); Global Marketing Access; National Policies (e.g. Brexit; Belt and Road Initiative; Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act; Trade Agreements); Challenges Global infrastructure (Conflict/Piracy); PESTLE Frameworks (Covered in Lectures). This could incorporate/be framed around a SWOT analysis structure.
4. Conclusion:A personal assessment comparing and contrasting the Sustainability Activities identified in your report and determine which you feel is contributing most to genuinely achieving the UNSDG objectives – supported with evidence from the discussion above – Roughly 500 words
The final component of assessment will be based upon the report’s presentation and quality of referencing. Referencing should follow Harvard format, specifically in line with guidance from Cite Them Right. This includes Your research proposal should be well structured and written, be free of sentence construction and grammatical errors and follow the guidelines specified below.
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