CS111-4-AU-CO Interdisciplinary Research and Problem-Solving An Introducation, University of Essex

Published: 07 Jan, 2025
Category Exam Subject Computer Science
University University of Essex Module Title CS111-4-AU-CO Interdisciplinary Research and Problem-Solving


The paper consists of SIX questions. You must answer TWO questions.

All questions carry equal weight. Please write the answers to the TWO questions you have chosen on the answer sheets at the end of this paper.

You may write up to 750 words per question. Penalties will be applied if you exceed the word count.

These questions have been set so that you can answer them within the normal exam timeframe – two hours. You are not expected to spend 24 hours on this assessment. 

Please save your work throughout the examination to avoid losing your work and check it before submitting.  

Answer TWO questions: 

1.    What are positional goods? Answer this question in the following steps:

  • Begin your answer by defining positional goods, referencing at least one course reading (be sure to use at least one correctly cited quotation from one of the readings).
  •  Provide two examples of positional goods, explaining why they qualify as such in relation to the definition. 
  • Reflect on how positional goods operate in your own life or community. 
  •  Identify a specific example of a positional good and explain how it has influenced your choices, opportunities, or social interactions. 
  • Finally, discuss how your example reflects the broader social implications of positional goods.

2.    Reflect on the idea of ‘sense of place’ in the following steps:

  • Using course readings, explain the concept of 'sense of place' and its key characteristics. How does it relate to well-being and learning in educational settings? Be sure to reference at least one course reading – with a correctly cited quotation – in your explanation.
  • Provide two examples of how a strong or weak sense of place might shape students’ experiences, either positively or negatively. Draw on specific scenarios or case studies discussed in class or from your observations.
  • Reflect on your own experiences. Think of a time when your sense of place—whether strong or weak—impacted your learning, motivation, or well-being. What lessons from this experience can be applied to creating supportive educational environments?

3.    The "Not In My Backyard" (NIMBY) phenomenon occurs when local residents oppose the construction of a public good near their property. Explore this phenomenon in the following steps:

  • Analyse how the NIMBY phenomenon reflects the interplay between positional goods and ‘sense of place.’ Use course readings to support your analysis (again, be sure to quote and correctly cite a text).
  • Apply these concepts to a real-world, personal example. Can you think of a situation in your own community where NIMBY dynamics were evident? How did it reflect the interaction of positional goods and ‘sense of place’?

4.    Garrett Hardin argues that, beyond a certain population density, the 'remorseless logic' of the "Tragedy of the Commons" leads to the inevitable depletion or pollution of an unmanaged commons. Explore Hardin’s view in the following steps:

  • Explain Hardin’s argument in your own words, referencing at least one passage from the assigned readings.
  • Illustrate the phenomenon with one widely known example (e.g., from environmental issues, public health, or another domain).  
  • Develop one original example of a “Tragedy of the Commons” scenario that demonstrates your understanding of the concept. The example should be novel, creative, and detailed enough to show why it fits Hardin’s theory. (The example should be so original and/or specific to you that it would not appear in a database like ChatGPT’s training data).

5.    Elinor Ostrom critiques Garrett Hardin’s “Tragedy of the Commons” as unduly narrow and pessimistic. Explore her view in the following steps:

  • Summarize Ostrom’s main critique of Hardin’s argument. Be sure that your summary quotes from and cites a course reading.
  • Explain the alternative vision of human behaviour and community dynamics that Ostrom offers. How does this perspective allow for the possibility of successfully managing common-pool resources? Use at least one specific case study or example to illustrate her argument.
  • Compare and contrast Hardin’s and Ostrom’s views of human nature. Which view do you find more convincing, and why? Be sure to reference Matt Burch’s video lecture in your answer.

6.    Does a free market system with competition over positional goods accelerate or slow down the process that leads to the “Tragedy of the Commons”? Explore this question in the following steps:

  • Construct an argument that a free-market system accelerates the depletion or pollution of common-pool resources. Quote from and cite at least two course readings to support your reasoning and include one real-world example to illustrate your point.
  • Construct an argument that a free-market system slows down or mitigates the “Tragedy of the Commons.” Again, quote from and cite at least two course readings to support your reasoning and provide one real-world or hypothetical example.
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each argument. Which do you find more persuasive, and why? 
  • Briefly describe your reasoning process for arriving at your conclusion. 


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