Business Projects Foundations Coursework Assignment 3- Individual Reflection, UK

Published: 08 Feb, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Business
University ------ Module Title Business Projects Foundations- Individual Reflection

Coursework Brief

Using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) as shown below as a guide and using guidance on Reflective Writing by Jenny Moon, you are expected to complete a reflective assignment using the following 2 step process. 







The content from week 2 will help here.

Step 1: 

Reflect on and discuss your individual learning experience while working with teammates on assignment 1.
 Describe and reflect upon your learning experience while working with teammates on assignment 1.
 Step 1 covers the description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, and conclusion sections of the Gibbs reflective cycle.
 Reflection is about understanding how and why you learn – make sure that you concentrate on how the feedback relates to what you have learned because of doing the assignment 1 and reading your feedback.

Step 2: 

Based on your learning experience, if you were to undertake a business project proposal again, please comment on the points below.
 Please note that you can relate this to HOW you would complete your business project in the summer.
 Step 2 relates to the action plan stage of the Gibbs reflective cycle.
1. What changes you will make?
2. Why will you make that change?
3. What are you hoping it improves within the assignment?
4. Explain how you would incorporate the content of weeks 8 -10 in a future project

Key Marking criteria will include:

 Introduction

 Reflection on your individual learning experience
o Demonstrate that you understand how to clearly reflect on your individual learning experience while working with teammates on assignment 1.

 Changes
o Demonstrate that you understand what changes or improvements could be made and how this will positively change your work

 Quality of Analysis;
o A critical style of writing that looks to provide more than a descriptive account of the content. In particular the analysis should concentrate on what has been learned as a result of the first assignment.

 Quality of referencing style:
o APA 7th edition

 Quality of writing:
o Readability and ability to convey key message(s) concisely in a logical manner within each section

 Structure and Presentation
o Clearly structured report that is easy for the reader to follow. Headings are used to set out the sections. Readability and ability to convey key message(s) concisely in a logical manner within each section 

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