Specifications for Oil and Gas Management Coursework 2 | University of Bradford

Published: 06 Feb, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Engineering
University University of Bradford Module Title Specifications for Oil and Gas Management

Aim of coursework

The aim of the coursework is to prepare a case study analysing the intricate dynamics of an offshore oil field of your choice situated in the North Sea. This will involve identifying the challenges it faced throughout the stages of its lifecycle from exploration and discovery; subsequent development and commercial production of oil/gas, and its eventual decommissioning of facilities and shutdown. An assessment of its environmental impact and legacy should also be provided.

Your chosen oilfield should be evaluated under the following:

Exploration and Development

•    Overview of the geological characteristics of the oil/gas field
•    Reservoir appraisal and estimation of reserves
•    Regulatory framework and commercial agreements for field development
•    Identification of technological and other associated issues during field development

Commercial Production

•    Facilities design and construction for the field (drilling, platforms, subsea wells and pipelines)
•    Innovative features of engineering and technologies used in the oil/gas field
•    Reservoir engineering and management
•    Assessment of financial investment in the field and economic value of the oil/gas produced.


•    Planned decommissioning and ceasing of oil/gas production.
•    Estimated costs of shutting down of operations and dismantling of facilities
•    Environmental impact/footprint and longer-term legacy of the oil/gas field
•    Lessons from the case study oil/gas field for future developments in the industry

Structure of report

The expected length of the report is around 3,000 words, excluding a cover page, table of contents, list of references and appendices and should broadly follow the following structure:

•    Cover page with title.

•    Table of contents

•    Introduction and background - You are expected to provide a brief narrative explaining your choice of company and position within its market.

•    Detailed description, data analysis, results and discussion.

•    Conclusion and four lessons for other companies that can be derived from your case study.

•    References using the Harvard system.

•    Appendices including supporting diagrams, photographs and calculations

Layout of coursework and presentation

•    Please use an Arial font with a size of 11 points (as per this document).

•    Your sentence structure should be single-spaced, and paragraphs should be of appropriate sizes (i.e. not too short and not too long).

•    All your figures, tables, charts etc. should be of a high standard and should be labelled clearly and referred to in the text. All graphs and figures should be clearly legible. All references should be shown on a separate page(s) at the end.


Use the Harvard System. References must be properly indicated along the report to support discussions and the list of references must be also included at the end of the coursework. The following link provides support with referencing: http://www.bradford.ac.uk/library/help/referencing

The following format should be used:

•    Include all your references at the end of the coursework.

•    Avoid using websites like Wikipedia, About.com, Wikihow, ehow.co.uk, Investopedia or similar sites as references. These are not appropriate academic references.

•    Use only good quality references, such as recent articles from academic journals, books, industrial and government reports, specialised magazines, publications, etc.

•    Download this guide to apply the Harvard Referencing System:

•    The library also provides online resources to help you with referencing:

•    Plagiarism must be avoided at all times in line with faculty policy.

•    All text should be in your own words and include the references along with the relevant sentences and paragraphs.

•    Websites and online sources should also be referenced where information is taken from them, together with the date of access.

•    Avoid excessive use of “quotations”. If you use quotations, you must explain in your own words what you understand from those quotations.


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