Corporate Strategy Semester One Module Handbook 2024-25

Published: 11 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University Leeds Beckett University Module Title Corporate Strategy Semester One

Assignment Brief 

Module Aims

  • This capstone module aims to employ knowledge gained in earlier modules in the context of a strategic perspective of business management and leadership for Corporate bodies.
  • It explores the evaluation of decisions that managers are faced by in complex and dynamic environments combining multiple perspectives of business and management (leadership, creativity and human capital, finance and environmental analytics, creativity and strategic thinking approaches).

The Module Aims are to:

  • Achieve an introduction to Corporate Strategy for Postgraduate students;
  • Develops understanding of corporate decision-making through the application of critical thinking on academic concepts and analytical models (tools/ frameworks);
  • Evaluate the importance of key issues such as for example stakeholder management, culture , Social Responsibility etc. for organisations and their formulation of strategy;
  • Explore contemporary Corporate S trategy issues ;
  • Grasp real-world processes and practices of strategic management in corporate settings.

Module Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

LO1 Critically evaluate and correctly apply concepts, tools and techniques of strategic management and corporate strategic management.
LO2 Critically analyse and evaluate the relationship between strategic objectives/intent and operational/resource planning in terms of successful corporate strategic assessment and decision making.

LO3 Evaluate the impact of organisation culture, politics, stakeholder influence, social responsibility and ethical issues on corporate strategy assessment and corporate


Corporate Strategy Module Assessments Overview

The module is composed of one individually prepared and submitted coursework assessment, the Portfolio. 

  • The assessment is designed for students to critically evaluate and apply corporate strategy concepts, tools and techniques. These will take into consideration aspects of the external environment of the organisation being studied, its culture, key stakeholders, CSR and many other factors. The focus is on research, application and analysis.
  • The assessment follows the course content delivered in lectures and seminars. Students are required to present a portfolio of analysis comprised of a collection of tools and concepts applied on five seminar case studies across five module units.
  • The assessment is designed for students to build an analytical portfolio and then reflect on strategic implementation for a designated case study. The first part of this assessment is similar to the exercises in seminars and the first assessment.
  • The second part of the assessment, however, requires the student to synthesize learning achieved through the analysis of the portfolio and devise a plan for implementation that takes into account the relationship between strategic objectives/intent and operational/resource planning for the chosen.

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