Contemporary And Critical Issues In Education: Theory, Policy And Context, Portfolio, UK

Published: 11 Jan, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Education
University Module Title Contemporary And Critical Issues In Education

Assessment Method:

One written portfolio item evaluating a journal article (3,000 words).
Three formative pieces of work demonstrating engagement with the module.

Programme Competencies assessed

PC1 Evaluating critically theories, policies, issues and practices and their application locally, nationally and globally.
PC4 The facility to recognise, articulate, evaluate and critique local, national and global contexts for education.
PC6 Analyse and evaluate critically interdisciplinary approaches to education-related activity.

Explanation/Breakdown of the assessment components/elements

The portfolio comprises four items.
1  A 3,000 word critique of a journal article. A focussed, critical review of an academic journal article on an issue relating to a contemporary issue in education. Any words over this limit will not be assessed and you risk not meeting this assessment’s competencies. Please check carefully your word limit before submission.
2 Three pieces of [formatively] assessed work that evidence your engagement with activities during the module. You will choose three items from the range that you produce during the module. These will typically be called ‘Study Skills’

You will be assessed according to the work you submit, work is marked according to the grading template on canvas. Criteria are:

1)  Demonstration of critical engagement with an item of published work (a journal article), including its strengths and limitations
2)  Recognition of the local, national or global context to which the article relates, and evaluation how it relates to that context and might apply to others
3)  Evaluation how the content of the article might apply to professional practice and/or interdisciplinary application/relevance within education or other areas
4)  Evidence of engagement with study skills tasks and activities (three items)

Need support with your Contemporary and Critical Issues in Education: Theory, Policy and Context Portfolio? Our assignment help service in the UK is designed to assist students in tackling complex educational topics. From exploring policies to analyzing theoretical frameworks and real-world contexts, our experts are here to simplify your workload. If you're looking to pay for assignments, our trusted writers will ensure your portfolio is well-researched and formatted to meet academic standards. We also offer report writing services to help you present critical analysis clearly and effectively. Get comprehensive assistance today to achieve better grades with less stress!

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