Construction Scheduling and Control Portfolio | Univrsity of Salford Manchester

Published: 29 Jan, 2025
Category Portfolio ( Assignment) Subject Management
University Univrsity of Salford Manchester Module Title Construction Scheduling and Control

Assessment task details and instructions

You should complete the following 3 tasks and follow instructions as described below:

Task 1: Team Project 

In this task, you will simulate the submission of a design and construction planning proposal for a medium to large-sized construction project to a UK planning authority. The project you choose to focus on should either be a new-build residential, commercial or mixed-use development, or you may need to discuss the project with the tutor. 

The task will be completed by a team of two students, with each team member assigned a specific focus of the chosen project as below. Together, both team members will collaborate to develop a comprehensive submission that demonstrates your understanding of both the design and construction aspects of the project. The production of technical drawings is beyond the scope of this assignment. You are expected to use existing drawings to serve as a visual representation of the proposed design, layout, and construction elements.

Task 1 Component A: Case Study Project - Design Rationale Explanation (2,000 words- 50% Assessment Weightage – Team Member A) 

Provide a detailed description of the location and context of the construction site. This should include information about the existing use of the site and any constraints that may influence the design. You should also analyse the adjacencies and interfaces with adjoining buildings, including their size, age, style and condition. Discuss how the proposed development fits into the surrounding area and how it interacts with neighbouring properties. In addition, assess the scale and appearance of the proposed development, addressing any potential concerns related to an overbearing impact on neighbouring properties or the amenities of adjacent occupants. 

Describe the key considerations about the site layout, including its relationship to the site boundaries, car parking arrangements, and approaches to and around the site. Discuss how the development will manage pedestrian movement and vehicle access, particularly in relation to existing access points.

Provide an explanation of the key elements of design thinking behind the project. Demonstrate how the design aligns with key design guidelines such as “Secure by Design” and “Building for Life”. Discuss the architectural style of the project and evaluate the impact of the design on the local character and surrounding setting, considering how it respects or enhances the visual and cultural identity of the area.

Examine the space considerations within the building, including the availability of natural light, horizontal and vertical circulation, and the compliance with space standards. Comment on how these design elements contribute to the overall functionality and user experience of the space. Also, provide information on how people, vehicles, and services will access the site, highlighting pedestrian and cyclist access. Explain the parking facilities proposed for the development and any modifications to existing access points. 

Describe any soft landscaping (e.g., trees, shrubs) and hard landscaping features (e.g., lighting, paving) that will enhance the site’s aesthetic and functional qualities. Provide details about the refuse storage and collection strategy, ensuring that waste management is integrated into the site design. Explain how the design promotes accessibility for people with disabilities and review how inclusive design principles have been incorporated into the building and site layout. Describe any sustainable design features or technologies included in the project and how these features align with green building standards and contribute to the overall sustainability of the development.

Task 1 Component B: Construction Rationale Explanation (2000 Words: 50% Assessment Weightage; Team Member B)  

For the project chosen above, develop a Construction Management Plan (CMP). The CMP should outline the key management strategies and operational procedures to be implemented during the construction phase, focusing on the coordination of site operations, safety measures, and logistical planning. You will need to address site specific constraints to ensure smooth project execution while maintaining safety, sustainability and community relations.

Include a Construction Schedule (no more than 20 activities), outlining key project stages and highlighting major milestones and critical path activities. It should provide an overview of the expected timeline for the project, including start and completion dates for significant phases of work. This schedule and associated description should help demonstrate how the project will be managed efficiently and ensure timely completion.

A Site Logistics Drawing must be included, showing the arrangements for parking for site operatives and visitors, as well as the loading and unloading of plant and materials. The logistics plan should also detail the storage of plant and materials on-site and security hoardings, ensuring that there is adequate space for safe storage and easy access for the construction team. Site logistics plan should demonstrate smooth operations and safe operations on site and should comment on how traffic will be managed around the construction site, including provisions for safe pedestrian access and vehicle flow. If you are using any temporary traffic signals, diversions, or road closures, clearly describe it on the site plan and comment on various measures to minimise disruption to local traffic and ensure safe access to and from the site.

The CMP should describe the specific methods to be used during construction, particularly any use of cranes or heavy equipment. You will need to include an analysis of the potential environmental and safety impacts associated with these methods and outline mitigation strategies to manage any risks, such as noise, vibration, and safety hazards. Complex project may require a Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategy, identifying the potential hazards associated with the project and outlining strategies for managing these risks. This will include safety measures, emergency protocols, and the identification of key safety equipment required on-site. 

The Site Waste Management Plan will focus on waste minimisation and recycling strategies to align with environmental sustainability goals. This plan should specify how construction waste will be managed, segregated, and disposed of, and outline strategies to reduce waste generated during the construction process. Recycling and reuse of materials should be prioritized wherever possible to reduce the environmental impact of the project.

Neighbourhood Impact Management Plan should consider how the construction project will impact the local community. This includes noise, vibration, and access issues, as well as the overall impact on residents and businesses. The plan should propose strategies to minimise disruption, including working hours, noise control, and communication with the local community to keep them informed of the project's progress.

Task 1 Component C: Project Presentation (Assessment Weightage 10%) 

ou will need to present your project to the class, in the allocated class time (tbc through Blackboard Notification). Your presentation must not exceed the maximum allotted time of 10 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A session. Failure to attend and present at the designated presentation time will result in a loss of 10 marks for this component. Prior to presentation, you could share draft reports with the tutor. This will provide an opportunity for formative assessment. 

Task 2

Appraising the role of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) to enhance the construction project delivery (Individual Project - 30% Assessment Weightage: 1000 Words)

Select a specific sector of the construction industry (e.g., residential, commercial, highways, healthcare, education, etc.). Provide a brief introduction to the chosen sector, outlining its key characteristics, challenges, and current and future trends.
Identify and describe at least three specific MMC techniques that are relevant to your chosen sector. Analyse how chosen MMC technique can be applied to projects within your chosen sector. Discuss the potential benefits in terms of efficiency, sustainability, and quality. Provide real world examples of MMC deployment within the chosen sector. Discuss how you envision MMC shaping the chosen sector over the next 10 years. Provide recommendations for construction managers on how to prepare for and leverage the future developments in MMC.

Task 3:

Practical Skills Demonstration (10% Assessment Weightage)
During the Semester, students will be handed out 6 construction management workbooks. These will focus on developing practical skills in areas of:

  1. Construction planning and Scheduling Fundamentals. 
  2.  Project Scheduling Case Studies 
  3.  Computer Integrated Planning and Scheduling 
  4.  Project Resource Management 
  5.  Project Monitoring and Control 
  6.   Project Management Tools 

Students are expected to provide evidence of solving only 4 workbooks, by adding a link to problem set solution through Turnitin as part of individual report submission.  

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