COMP7040: Autonomous Intelligent Systems, Coursework| OBU

Published: 06 Feb, 2025
Category Coursework Subject
University OXFORD BROOKES UNIVERSITY Module Title COMP7040: Autonomous Intelligent Systems

Coursework: Search and Rescue with Cozmo 

Objectives and Rationale

The objectives of this project are to build a working understanding of major issues in autonomous self-navigating robots including planning, map making, localisation, and action. You will show the ability to build accurate sensor models, deal with uncertainty, navigate to goals using path planning, and deal with a complex task involving multiple goals in real time. You will practice teamwork skills for AI system development.

This coursework allows you to develop technical and experimental skills essential for industries related for example to autonomous cars, flying drones, or autonomous package delivery. It further introduces you to many active research areas and practical research skills important for both academic and research & development based career paths. It also allows you to engage with an area in which robots and AI can actually save lives.

Learning Outcomes

1. Critically evaluate the requirements for the application of system intelligence in an autonomous system.
2. Collaborate in group to design and maintain hardware and software for an intelligent autonomous system.
3. Build independence, confidence and advanced professional awareness skills within the discipline including ethical, social, legal and risk considerations.
4. Synthesise and independently develop complex documentation to support autonomous systems created.


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