CMS3504/7504 Star Big Data Analytics Assignment | University of Huddersfield

Published: 14 Feb, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Engineering
University University of Huddersfield Module Title CMS3504/7504 Big Data Analytics

1. Assignment Aims 

This assignment is designed to provide you with a platform to examine the state of the  art (STAR) in Big Data Analytics (BDA) in a specific domain application. You are  required to investigate the current and emerging theories and practice in big data  analytics from two primary perspective: enabling technologies/techniques, and a  domain application based on your chosen dataset. 

For more detailed briefing of this assignment, you should carefully read through  Section 3 for detailed specification and requirements. 

2. Learning Outcomes:  

This assignment is designed to assess the following learning outcomes: • Knowledge and Understanding 

Upon completion of this module, the student will: 

1. Rationalise the fundamental principles of big data, and the associated  challenges in processing and analyses. 

2. Critically evaluate existing and emerging algorithms and methods for  analysing complex and high-volume datasets. 

• Abilities 

Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to: 

1. Critically evaluate robust architectural and functional designs for the  processing of big data, according to established benchmarks and  practices.

3. Assessment Brief 

3.1 Select Domain Application 

The main premise of this STAR is to be set by a domain application of your interest,  i.e. the X in the assignment title. Example domain applications include scientific  experiments, stock trading, healthcare, logistic planning, education and so forth. 

Before starting your investigation, you should carefully decide a domain application  that interests the most. We encourage you to incorporate your prior professional  and/or academic experience when choosing a domain application.

Once you have chosen a preferred domain, you should consider the following  questions to help shape the scope of your STAR paper and start your literature search. 

• What are the potential domain application and associated challenges?

• What is the likely scale of the data in practice? 

• What related work and research exist that address these challenges? 

You should ideally aim to read and critically analyse at least six thoughtfully selected  references to support your writing. Literature should be selected from reputable  literature archives such as IEEEX- plorer, ACM Digital Libraries and Elsevier.

3.2 STAR Paper Requirements 

You are required to conduct a critical STAR of BDA and present your findings in the  form of a STAR paper. The world limit for this paper is 1500 words excluding the  reference section. Additionally, your paper must be typeset using the ACM primary  article template. You can find this template in both MS Word and LATEX format on  Brightspace under the Assessment tab. 

To help with this survey, a number of starting literatures encompassing applications  and recent technological advancement are provided to you on Brightspace. You  should expand the scope of literature survey by including your own. The literature is  not required to be limited to academic research papers. Relevant works from  commercial and industrial sectors are also as valuable. 

The core structure for your STAR paper should consist of the following sections: 

Introduction: Here you should clarify and inform readers the purpose of this STAR  paper. You must provide a concise definition of what Big Data and Big Data Analytics  are. 

Technology Review: This section should primarily focus on surveying and critically  analysing the technological/technical aspects of BDA. Examples may include data  management, computation and/or general-purpose BDA service platforms. 

Application Review: The main thrust of this section is to exemplify the application  BDA in real-life use cases. As the application domains are generally broad, you are  only required to focus on ONE area based on your interest.

Conclusion and Recommendations: In this section, you should summarise the  findings from your STAR. Conclusion and recommendations should be presented here  to elucidate the trends in BDA, and the future advancement and solutions.

References: All sources, such as articles, websites and textbooks, used in your STAR  essay must be listed in this section.

You can include additional sub-sections within the core structure to enhance the  navigability and readability of your paper. The effective use of diagrams, images and  tables is strongly encouraged as they can enhance your arguments.

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