Category | Assignment | Subject | Computer Science |
University | .... | Module Title | CET137 Cyber security |
In this assessment, we are assessing the skills you have developed so far in the following areas:
You are applying for a job as a Junior Software Developer for a tech company and as part of the application process you have to build an application, provide supporting documentation for it and demonstrate how it works. You have been given the choice of 3 different scenarios to complete.
The game starts by asking a player to enter their name.
The player and the computer are then dealt two cards each. Each card can have a value of between 1 and 8. The aim of the game is to try and end up with the lowest value possible once the two values have been subtracted from each other. The value of the cards will always need to be rearranged so that the lowest number is subtracted from the highest number (no negative numbers for your score).
The game will have 3 rounds. At each round, the player will have a choice to either stick with their cards, or to swap one card for another to try and achieve a better hand. The computer will also be given the choice to swap until the value of their cards, once subtracted from each other, is lower than 3. The player must not be able to see the hand of the computer until the game is over.
At the end of round 3, the player with the lowest score wins. In the event of a draw, the player with the lowest combined total of the two cards in their hand wins and the application finishes.
All the decisions taken by the player and computer must be recorded in a game log text file.
The program starts by prompting the user with some menu choices, asking the user if they would like to register a new account, login to the system or quit the program.
If the user selects to create a new account, the application asks the user to enter a username and a password to register an account.
The username must be unique, so the system must search through all existing usernames already registered to ensure that there won’t be any duplicates.
The application must check that the password is at least 10 characters long and that it is not in the list of the 100 most used passwords found here. The list of most used passwords should be contained in a text file and not in the application code, in case the list ever needs to be updated.
If the user successfully registers an account, they should see a message saying they are successful, and if at any point the user fails one of the requirements, a suitable message should be displayed to the user.
The successful username and password must be saved inside a text file, with the name of the text file being the username of the account.
If the user selects to login to the system, the application will prompt them for a username and password. If what the user enters matches the information stored in one of the text files, the user will be shown a message to say they have successfully logged in. If the data entered does not match anything stored in a text file, the user will be shown a message saying they are unsuccessful and to try again.
If the user selects to quit the program, the application will close.
The program starts by prompting the user with some menu choices, asking the user if they would like to create a new student record, enter marks for a student record, update a student’s marks, show a student record or quit the program.
The user selects that they would like to create a new student record. The system generates a new, unique, 8-digit student number and then asks them for the student’s name. The user is prompted with a confirmation and then returned to the menu. Their new, blank, student record is then created and saved as a text file.
The user is now prompted with the menu choices again, and this time if they select to enter marks for a student, the system prompts the user to enter a student number. Once the student number is entered, the system will search for the correct student record. If the record exists, the user will be prompted to enter 6 different marks, one after the other. These marks should be validated so they are between 0 and 100. After the 6 marks have been entered, the system needs to take an average of the 6 marks and display it on the record. If the average is 40 or over, a note on the record should be added to say the student has passed. If it is below 40 then a note should be added to say they have failed. If the record doesn’t exist, the user will be notified and be returned to the menu.
The user is now prompted with the menu choices again, and this time they select to update a student record. The system prompts the user to enter a student number. Once the student number is entered, the system will search for the correct student record. If the record exists, the user will be prompted to enter 6 different marks, one after the other. These marks should be validated so they are between 0 and 100. After the 6 marks have been entered, the system needs to take an average of the 6 marks and display it on the record. If the average is 40 or over, a note on the record should be added to say the student has passed. If it is below 40 then a note should be added to say they have failed. This new updated information should not override the existing information, and instead should add to, or append to, the existing data in the record. This is to show the history of the student’s attempts. If the record doesn’t exist, the user will be notified and be returned to the menu.
The user is now prompted with the menu choices again and this time they select to view a record. The user inputs a student number. If the record exists, then the user will see all of the details in the record. If the record does not exist, then the user will see an error message and be returned to the menu.
The user is presented with the menu choices again and this time they decide to quit the program.
Design and document in UML Class Diagram notation, an object oriented model to represent your proposed solution
This should include:
Use the following template for each class:
Instance Variables
Class name |
Instance Variables |
Methods |
As previously stated, you have been tasked with developing an Object Oriented console based application using C# that will satisfy the outcomes of one of the 3 given scenarios. This Object Oriented console application must demonstrate the understanding and successful use of:
To demonstrate your understanding of the program you have created, you are required to produce a short screencast video where you will demonstrate the program running, and explain what is happening with the program code, focussing on key areas of functionality that you have created. This screencast should aim to be no more than 5 minutes long and should either be in mp4 format or as a private URL to a hosted single video (such as YouTube).
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