BUSI48913 MSc GSCM Module Assessment Brief (2023-24)

Published: 22 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Science
University University of Derby Module Title BUSI48913 MSc GSCM Module Assessment

Assessment Brief

This is an individual assignment, based on the module material. Students choose a case (from the list provided). Your choice must be made explicit in the introduction. 

You must prepare 4 portfolio submissions; A,B,C,D.  Each element carries equal weight and should be 1000 words (+/-10%), or equivalent if you have used diagrams, tables, figures etc. A single pdf copy should be submitted. All sections are equally weighted (25 marks each).

A and C are critical literature reviews. They should draw upon literature referred to in class and material made available in the Module Now Room and Resource List, as well as additional academic literature that you have sourced. You should explore theory, concepts, and models relevant to the topic and identify key arguments (do not discuss your case company specifically here). 

B and D are based upon your selected case study and are in the form of either a blog, report, or article. You should apply the theory from the literature to your case study and discuss how the theories/ concepts have informed your arguments. 

You must provide HARVARD style references for ALL sources, including online and non-academic material, providing citations in the text within each portfolio element.

Guidance: The following pages contain 

  • details of the 4 sections.
  • a list of case studies for you to choose from. 
  • a ‘style guide’ to help you target your presentation style appropriately. 

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