BTM0UTT Understanding the Tourist-Business & Tourism Management CCCU

Published: 29 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Management
University Canterbury Christ Church University Module Title Business & Tourism Management

module learning outcomes

Module Outcome 1

Define the various tourist types identified within a range of Tourist Type  models; 

Module Outcome 2

Examine tourist destinations and tourist attractions that meet the needs of  various tourist types;

Module Outcome 3

Reflect & identify which tourist types, destinations and activities apply to  the individual in the case study


When designing a new product or service all industries start in the  same place – what do the customers want or need. The tourism  industry is the same and the key for this industry is tourist types. This  assignment brief is designed to help you explore this concept as it is a  key skill managers within the industry must have, you will also be able  to demonstrate how well you understand the concept of how tourism  businesses use tourist types by not only using research and examples  of tourist types that link to destinations and attractions, but you will also  apply the tourist type theory to yourself and your travel habits – this will  give a more in-depth understanding of how a tourist makes decisions  that are influenced by the tourist companies.

Assignment tasks to be completed

The Tourism Industry designs most of the products and services it  offers based on tourist type, this is how they ensure that they can sell their products to the right customer at the right time. The knowledge  used by the industry to do this is based on tourist type theories, and  the many different types of tourists is the reason larger tourism  companies own several types of products, rather than specialising in  one tourist type – this provides a means of making more profit from a  larger market share.  
Write an essay that explains how tourist type theories link to  destinations and attractions, and also identifies which tourist type  you are most suited based on theory, and the types of  destinations and attractions you usually visit.


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