Category | Assignment | Subject | Management |
University | University of Bedfōrdshire | Module Title | BSS049-6 Project Management Practice |
For this assignment, you are required to work in groups. Your group of 3-5 students will be decided by your unit tutor during your sessions. You will be required to produce a project management plan for a live project.
The Project Plan will include the use of Project Management tools and techniques studied and discussed in class.
This assignment is based on a real-life project. You have been scheduled for meetings with two different business owners including “MS Therapy Centre” and “Gutbare”, choose your project from one of the businesses and proceed with the following tasks.
The information about the date and the details of the meeting is sent to you by BREO announcement!
The clients will brief you on the details of the project.
This project plan assignment contains two parts, Part A and B:
This part is to ensure you (working in a group of 3 to 5) can apply and reflect on the project management knowledge and skills learned.
• A group presentation of the project plan incorporating the elements detailed below (presented in PowerPoint) will take place on the date confirmed by the tutors.
• Each team is required to submit a copy of their presentation slides before the presentation via BREO using the Assignment 2- presentation slides submission link under the Assessments page. Only one member of your team is required to submit the presentation on behalf of each team.
Length of presentation: 10 minutes + 5 minutes for questions and answer
Submission: Copy of PowerPoint slides (plus appendices) submitted via BREO using the Assignment 2- presentation slides submission link under the Assessments page.
The presentation slides MUST include:
1. Feasibility and Business Case/Benefits Analysis: (Needs to be detailed and cover points such as Reasons, Expected Benefits, Stakeholders, Key milestones, Costs, Net Benefits, Risks, and Constraints)
2. Stakeholder Analysis
List and analyze the stakeholders:
o What needs to be communicated?
o How it will be communicated (e.g. email or a meeting)
o When communications will occur (e.g. daily, weekly)
3. Project Time Management
This should include the following 4 components:
3.1 Work Breakdown Structure
3.2 Activity List
These must be realistic, true to nature, and applicable.
3.3 Network Diagram and Critical Path Analysis
3.4 Gantt Chart
4. Resource allocation
5. Project Risk analysis (This is predictive)
You are required to produce an individual report of 3,500 (+/- 10%) words covering the delivery of a project for the given/chosen project to include all of the below (which you will have received feedback on during your presentation as detailed above):
Reflective report: Critical discussion and a reflection on the Lessons Learnt from the project
1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
MSc Project Management
Demonstrate a depth of knowledge, systematic understanding, and critical evaluation of
project management theories, methodologies, tools, and techniques in different contexts.
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
Apply and synthesize project management knowledge and understanding, to work in a team,
to plan, communicate, implement, control, and evaluate a real project for a client, including
management of stakeholders, risks, and issues that arise to present a successful client
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