BS7206: Software Development and Cyber Security, Case Study Focusing on Software Security Summative Assignment

Published: 18 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Computer Science
University University Of Winchester Module Title BS7206 Software Development and Cyber Security

Assignment Brief

You must produce a written report consisting of two parts, each of which will allow you to demonstrate your achievement of the learning outcomes of this module.

  • Part A (60%): For a chosen case study, outline and analyse the potential threats and vulnerabilities that a business may face when deploying an application. Given your analysis, look to apply secure software principles and countermeasures to provide recommendations. Keep your focus on software systems and secure software principles.
  • Part B (40%): Using the tools and techniques developed throughout the module, you are expected to reverse-engineer a given sample, detailing the steps performed along the way. You are expected to perform static and dynamic analysis to identify what the sample is designed to do. You will also be expected to provide screenshots and evidence of your practical work.

Please arrange your report in a logical and professional manner that enables the reader to understand your research and follow your arguments. List all references cited (this is not included in the word count). The document should be formatted as follows:

  1. A title page should be included detailing your group members and word count.
  2. Calibri font (or similar), size 12, black type (no colours other than in the headers if desired)
  3. 1.5 line spacing
  4. 2.5 cm margins
  5. Text must be “Left Aligned” (not “Right Justified”)
  6. Page numbered throughout.

Other recommendations to observe are given in the Assessment Regulations for Taught Programmes.

You are required to produce a report to demonstrate the learning outcomes of this module:

  • Critically analyse various methods for exploiting software systems.
  • Understand and apply formal methods and best practices in secure software development.
  • Apply secure software development principles to a range of applications
     Apply reverse 

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